1Cover New Zealand Travel Insurance Policy Wording

Effective date: 19 December 2024

About 1Cover NZ

1Cover NZ Ltd, Company No 1588084, FSP472306 (a NZ company) arranges this insurance as an Appointed Representative of Coffre-Fort Pty Ltd, ABN 66 125 358 518 AFS Licence No. 472457. 1Cover NZ is authorised by Coffre-Fort to distribute and issue travel insurance policies. The information provided is only intended as a guide about the travel insurance product.

Coffre-Fort acts as the underwriting agent of the insurer under a binding authority from the insurer, which means it can issue, vary, renew, or cancel your insurance on their behalf and handle and settle any claims you make, acting reasonably. Coffre-Fort and 1Cover NZ act on behalf of the insurer and not on your behalf.

About the Insurer

The insurer of this policy is HDI Global Specialty SE – New Zealand, which is licensed to carry on insurance business in New Zealand in accordance with the Insurance (Prudential Supervision) Act 2010 (NZ). It is registered as a financial service provider on the Financial Service Providers Register (FSP 774050).

HDI Global Specialty SE is registered in Germany with registration number HRB 211924 authorised by Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungen (“BaFin”). It is authorised to carry on insurance business in Germany Insurance Supervisory Act (“Versicherungsaufsichtsgesetz”) (VAG), as revised 2023 (DE). It is a member of the Talanx Group.

Insurance rating information

Standard and Poor’s has assigned to HDI Global Specialty SE the financial strength of ‘A+’ (Outlook Stable) as of 21 November 2022.



Extremely Strong


Very Strong










Very Weak


Extremely Weak


Regulatory Supervision


Selective Default




Not Rated

The ratings from "AA" to "CCC" may be modified by the addition of a plus (+) or minus (-) sign to show relative standing within the major rating categories. The rating scale above is in summary form. A full description of this rating scale can be obtained from https://www.spglobal.com/ratings/en/

Emergency Assistance

Emergency Assistance is provided 24/7, 365 days a year. You can find our assistance service contact details here.

Your 1Cover NZ Travel Insurance Policy

If you buy the policy, this document, a letter from us confirming or declining cover for your pre-existing medical condition(s), your certificate of insurance and other documents we may issue to you make up your insurance contract with us. Be sure to read them carefully and keep them in a safe place.

Your Duty of Disclosure

You have a duty to act in the utmost good faith in all your dealings with us.

This duty applies when you first apply for your policy and on any renewal, variation, extension, or replacement of your policy.

If we ask you questions that are relevant to our decision whether to insure you and on what terms, you must take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation to us when answering those questions. For example, you will need to provide information which, to the best of your knowledge, is accurate, complete, and not misleading.

You and everyone insured under your policy (and listed on the certificate of insurance) must comply with this duty. Please make sure you explain the duty to anyone else insured under your policy.

If you do not take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation, we may be permitted by law to cancel your insurance contract or reduce the amount we will pay you if you make a claim, or both.

If you make a misrepresentation which is fraudulent, we may refuse to pay a claim and treat the insurance contract as if it never existed.

Policy Wording

This Policy Wording explains:

You should read the policy wording before buying the policy because you are responsible for ensuring that the insurance cover you select is suitable for your needs.

A copy of the policy wording is also available here.

The Policy Wording explains the different travel insurance plans 1Cover Travel Insurance offers. We might offer you a policy, or choose not to offer you coverage, even if you've had a policy with us before. We can decide how and when to offer you cover, acting reasonably.

When you apply for your policy, we will confirm things such as the period of cover, your premium, what optional benefits you have selected, what excesses will apply, and whether any standard terms are to be varied. These details will be recorded on the certificate of insurance issued to you which may vary the standard Policy Wording terms.

If we are unable to offer you cover, it may be because the product offered is not designed to cover a particular risk or risks including, but not limited to, geographical regions, pre-existing medical conditions, or certain age groups.

The Policy

This travel insurance is only available to buy via our website or by contacting our customer service team. Policies can also be purchased over the phone by arranging a call back through our online chat or emailing customer service.

Before buying the policy, you should consider:

The different plans, cover available, and age limits that apply

You need to choose who will be covered and the cover you need to suit your travel plans.

You can choose from 6 plans with differing benefits and cover. There are age limits depending on the type of plan you choose. Age limits are as at the date of issue of your certificate of insurance.

Plans AvailableWhat's IncludedAge Limits That Apply


Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, and 21

Travellers of all ages

Overseas Frequent Traveller

Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, and 21

Travellers aged 69 or under

Medical Only

Sections 1, 2, 3, 5, and 18

Travellers aged 69 or under


Sections 1, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, and 20

Travellers of all ages

Domestic Frequent Traveller

Sections 1, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, and 20

Travellers aged 69 or under

Already Overseas

Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, and 21

Travellers aged 69 or under

Cover is only available up to a maximum of 90 days per journey for travellers aged 80 years or over.

Important note for travellers aged 80 years or above

If you are aged 80 years old or above, a $3,000 Excess applies for all claims arising from, related to, or associated with an injury, illness, or medical condition. For all other claims, refer to the section titled “The Level of Excess That You Prefer”.

Comprehensive | Domestic | Medical Only

These plans are appropriate for New Zealand residents whose journey has not yet commenced. In addition to meeting the eligibility criteria above, we can only provide cover under these plans if:

  • You purchase the policy before leaving your departure point; and
  • Your itinerary matches the travel dates and destinations shown on your certificate of insurance.
Frequent Travellers

Under this plan, 'Journey' means from the time when you leave your home to go directly to the place you depart from on your travels and ends on, whichever happens first:

  • The date and time that you return to your home, or
  • The last day of your maximum trip duration, depending upon which plan you have selected.

This plan covers an unlimited number of journeys* both internationally and domestically for a 12-month period. This applies to both leisure and business travel.

The maximum duration of cover for any one journey will depend upon which policy option you have selected. You can choose from 21 days and 45 days per trip.

There are two plans available:

Overseas Frequent Traveller

Overseas Frequent Traveller covers overseas and domestic journeys.

Domestic Frequent Traveller

Domestic Frequent Traveller covers journeys within New Zealand.

All benefit limits and sub-limits are reinstated at the end of each journey (other than Section 18 - Personal Liability, where the amount shown in the table of benefits is the most we will pay for all claims under the policy).

Already Overseas

This plan is appropriate for New Zealand residents who are already overseas and need travel insurance cover because they have either forgotten to purchase before they left New Zealand, or their existing travel insurance policy has expired.

Please read our conditions of purchase carefully. We can only provide cover if you satisfy the following conditions at the time of purchase:

  • You are aged 69 or under; and
  • You have a permanent residential address in New Zealand and will be returning to resume residence in New Zealand at the end of your journey; and
  • You intend to return to New Zealand on the date your policy ends by providing evidence of a return flight; and
  • You purchase your policy within 5 days from either the date you departed New Zealand or the expiry of any other travel insurance policy; and
  • Your period of overseas travel does not exceed 15 consecutive months in total from the date you originally departed New Zealand.

Please note:

  • Under this plan, 'Journey' means from the first travel date shown on your certificate of insurance while you are overseas and ends on or before the last day of cover shown on your certificate of insurance or when you arrive at any immigration counter in New Zealand, whichever happens first.
  • Journeys can be up to a maximum of 90 days.
  • Purchasing an Already Overseas policy is limited to one journey every 12 months.

Your travel destinations

When you apply for the policy, you need to tell us where you are travelling to. The premium you pay for the policy depends on your destination(s). The policy only covers loss, injury, or illness that occurs in the countries or regions shown on your certificate of insurance.

You don’t have to list transit stops where you will stay at the airport for less than 24 hours, except for the USA.

Please note: We will cover you for stopovers in the USA if you nominate USA as a destination when you apply for cover.

Cruises: If you’re going on a cruise, you must tell us every country the ship will visit. You will not be covered in countries you have not told us about.

You can change the destinations you have covered before your journey commences. However, once you have departed on your journey, you can only add new destinations so long as you are not aware of something that may give rise to a claim. Some destinations may be free to add cover for. We may charge an additional premium for other destinations.

When you are eligible for cover

Cover is only available if you fulfil the following requirements at the time of purchase:

When you are not eligible for cover

There are certain circumstances where you would not be eligible for cover. This is applicable to all plans, except Domestic.

The level of excess that you prefer

If we agree to pay your claim, an excess will be deducted from the amount payable to you under certain sections of the policy. An excess per claim applies to any one event unless otherwise specified in the policy or on the certificate of insurance.

You can select the amount of the excess you wish to pay on certain claims when you apply for your policy. Your certificate of insurance will show the excess that apply to the cover you select.

If you are aged 80 years old or above, a $3,000 Excess applies for all claims arising from, related to, or associated with an injury, illness, or medical condition.

A double excess applies for all claims under Section 2: Overseas Emergency Medical & Hospital Expenses, Section 14: On Trip Cancellation Fees & Lost Deposits, and Section 15: Additional Accommodation & Travel Expenses when your claim arises directly from you participating in winter sports activities.

You cannot pay an additional premium to remove these excesses.

The cost of the Policy

We will tell you the premium payable for your policy when you apply for cover.

It will be based on several factors including your travel destination(s), the duration of your journey, the plan you select, the amount of any excess payable, the number of persons and age of persons to be covered under the policy, and any optional cover you select.

It may also include some government charges and taxes (e.g. GST).

The terms of cancelling your Policy

If you decide that you do not want this policy, you can cancel it via the online policy manager or you can contact us. It's important to understand that canceling your policy means that you won’t be eligible for any cover, and you won't be able to make any claim under your policy.

The following cancellation terms apply depending upon the circumstances.

Up to 14 days cooling-off period

You may change your mind about buying this policy within fourteen (14) days of the issue of the certificate of insurance (‘cooling-off period’) and we will provide a full refund. We must receive your request within 14 days, either in writing or by email. Alternatively, you may log in to your policy manager account and cancel your policy online.

This cooling-off right only applies if:

Cancellation by you after 14 days

You can cancel your policy after fourteen (14) days, and we will refund the amount you paid less the proportion of the premium for the period in which you were insured. We will also deduct an administration fee of up to $25 from the amount that we refund you.

This cancellation right only applies if:

If you choose to end your journey early, we will not reimburse any premium of your unused portion of your policy.

Cancellation by us

We may cancel this policy at any time as allowed by law by notifying you in writing of the date from which the cancellation is to take effect. We may only cancel in certain circumstances, as allowed by law, including where you have:

If we cancel, we may choose to refund the portion of the premium for your policy for the period for which you were not insured. We may charge an administration charge where we choose to cancel.

Amendment of cover

In certain circumstances, we will allow you to amend your policy after purchase.

Where we agree to update or add to the cover under your policy, the change in cover will only apply to circumstances that arise after we have issued you with an updated certificate of insurance reflecting the change.

Where we agree to your request to remove any cover under your policy, you will not be able to make any claim or exercise any other right under the cover that has been removed for any circumstance that arises at the time or after your policy is updated.

What you are covered for

This part of the Policy Wording explains:

Benefits Table

-Policy Sections & BenefitsExcess AppliedComprehensive / Overseas Frequent TravellerMedical OnlyDomestic / Domestic Frequent TravellerAlready Overseas
124/7 Emergency Assistance Service
2Overseas Emergency Medical & Hospital Expenses*
3Dental Expenses
4Hospital Cash Allowance*
5Repatriation Of Remains
6Permanent Disability
7Loss Of Income*
8Travel Documents & Transaction Cards
9Theft Of Cash#
10Luggage & Personal Effects^*
Sub-limits apply for the first item#*
Category 1: Computers, personal laptops, photographic and video equipment#*
Category 2: Mobile phones and tablets#*
Category 3: Jewellery#*
All other items#*
Subsequent item limits apply#*
11Luggage & Personal Effects Delay Expenses^*
Pre-Departure Cancellation & Amendments
12Pre-Departure Cancellation Fees & Lost Deposits#*
Chosen Limit
Chosen Limit
13Pre-Departure Amendments to Journey^
On Trip Disruption
14On Trip Cancellation Fees & Lost Deposits#*
Chosen Limit
Chosen LimitChosen Limit
15Additional Accommodation & Travel Expenses^*
  • 15A. Family Emergency
  • 15B. Emergency Companion Cover
16Travel Delay Expenses*
17Special Event Transport Expenses
18Personal Liability#
19Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess#*
20Domestic Pets*
21Domestic Services*
-Optional Extras & BenefitsExcess AppliedComprehensive / Overseas Frequent TravellerMedical OnlyDomestic / Domestic Frequent TravellerAlready Overseas
Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess Pack
19Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess#*
$5,000 or $10,000
$10,000$5,000 or $10,000
Cruise Pack
CP1Onboard Medical Expenses*
CP2Pre-paid Shore Excursions Cancellation^
CP3Missed Cruise Departure^
CP4Cabin Confinement^*
CP5Missed Port Cover^*
CP6Formal Attire Cover^*
CP7Formal Attire Delay Allowance^
Winter Sports Pack
WSP1Emergency Rescue
WSP2Snow Pack^
WSP3Resort Closure^*
WSP4Winter Sports Equipment Cover^*
WSP5Winter Sports Equipment Hire^*
Bicycle Pack
BP1Bicycle Cover#*
Up to $15,000
Up to $15,000
Adventure & Sports Pack - You must purchase the Adventure & Sports Pack to be covered for certain activities & sports.
Cruise Pack - You must purchase the Cruise Pack to be covered on board a cruise.
All limits are per person unless specified with the symbol below.
  • * Sub-limits may apply
  • ^ Limits are per adult traveller. For accompanying dependants, the policy benefits are shared with the adult traveller.
  • # Limits are per policy regardless of the number of persons the claim relates to.

Please note:

There is no cover for the below benefits while travelling in New Zealand:

There is only cover for the below benefits where the relevant pack has been purchased, the appropriate premium has been paid, and the relevant pack is shown on your certificate of insurance.

Automatically included sports and activities

Your policy provides cover for claims arising directly from your participation in the following amateur sports and amateur recreational activities, subject to the terms, conditions, limits, and exclusions that apply to the section under which your claim is made; and General Exclusions that are applicable to all sections.

Please note: All other sports and activities are excluded from cover under your policy, subject to any additional options that have been purchased and are listed on your certificate of insurance.

Archeryamateur and occasional only
Aqua zorbing or zorbingin a leisure, non-professional capacity
Animal ridingunder appropriate supervision
Ballooningregulated or licenced hot air ballooning
Bicycling or cyclingmust wear a helmet
Bungee jumping or canyon swingingunder appropriate supervision
Canoeing, kayaking, and white water kayakinggraded I, II, or III under the International Scale of River Difficulty
Dog sledding or sleigh rideson any land mass excluding snow
Fishingon land or within 2 nautical miles of any land mass
Go-kartingmust wear a helmet
Gym activitiesexcluding powerlifting
Hang gliding, tandem gliding, and paraglidingmust be in tandem with an instructor licensed for these activities. Does not include base jumping
Horse ridingexcluding equestrian events, steeple chasing, jumping, and polo, must wear a helmet
Ice skatingon a rink but excluding speed skating, and tour skating
Indoor rock climbingunder appropriate supervision
Jet Boatingwith a commercial operator under appropriate supervision
Off-road / 4WDwith a commercial operator under appropriate supervision
Paintballwith eye protection
Rafting and white water raftingin rivers or rapids, lakes or canals, graded 1, 2, or 3 under the International Scale of River Difficulty
Riding a moped, scooter or motorcycleyou must wear a helmet and hold a valid licence. Please refer to definitions
Sailing or Yachtingup to 10 nautical miles off any land mass
Sand Boardingwith a commercial operator under appropriate supervision
Scuba Divingto a depth no greater than 10 metres, and up to 10 nautical miles off any land mass. Must hold open water diving licence or dive with licensed instructor
Shark cage divingunder appropriate supervision
Shootingfixed target only, under appropriate supervision
Skateboarding, roller skating, inline skatingnot including vert skating or acrobatics
Surfing or Surface water activitiesother than sailing such as paddle boarding, surfing, tubing, wakeboarding, water skiing, and windsurfing up to 2 nautical miles off any land mass
Track and field athleticsrecreational
Walking, hiking, trekking, tramping, or peakingat altitudes up to 3,500 metres, where specialist climbing equipment is not required but not expeditions to or on the Kokoda Track/Trail

For any winter sports activities – please refer to Winter Sports Pack.

Any other leisure or sports activities meaning any activities involving minimal physical exertion that is undertaken for relaxation or recreation is automatically covered. For example, walking, running, golfing, sight-seeing, photography, and museum visits.

Optional benefits

Under this policy, you can choose the cover you require based on your travel arrangements, and the type of cover you want and are eligible to purchase.

Plan TypeAdventure & Sports PackBicycle PackCancellation CoverCruise PackHigh Value ItemsRental Vehicle Insurance ExcessWinter Sports Pack


Overseas Frequent Traveller

Medical Only


Domestic Frequent Traveller

Already Overseas

These additional options only apply if they have been selected by you, the appropriate premium has been paid and they are shown on your certificate of insurance.

Adventure & Sports Pack

You can purchase this option under the Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans. The Adventure & Sports Pack must be applied for at least 24 hours before participating in the following amateur listed sports and activities. You cannot purchase the Adventure & Sports Pack individually.

You must be aged 69 years or under at the time your policy is issued to purchase this option.

This policy does not automatically cover you for the following amateur listed sports and activities. If you are participating in the following amateur listed sports and activities, you MUST select the Adventure & Sports Pack, pay the additional premium, and Adventure & Sports Pack is shown on your certificate of insurance. You will not have cover under this policy if you participate in the following amateur listed sports and activities and have not selected this cover.

This additional option does not provide cover for claims under Section 6: Permanent Disability or Section 18: Personal Liability that arise from you participating in the listed activities available under this option.

Abseilingfully harnessed
Animal conservation or handlingunder appropriate supervision
Battle re-enactmentno firearms
Boxingbasic training only, no sparring
Canoeing, kayaking, and white water kayakinggraded IV or V under the International Scale of River Difficulty
Cave/river tubingas part of an organised excursion or tour
Contact sportsincluding but not limited to any form of rugby, Australian Rules football or American football
Expeditions to or on the Kokoda Track/Trail
E-bikes, or e-scootersmust wear a helmet
Fishing or Deep sea fishingwithin 2-15 nautical miles of land mass with licensed commercial operator only
Flyingas passenger in licensed commercial small aircraft/helicopter (max 10 passengers)
Hang gliding, tandem gliding and paraglidingmust be in tandem with licensed instructor, excludes base jumping
Jet Skiingwith commercial operator under appropriate supervision
Martial arts/Muay Thaibasic training only, no sparring
Mountain biking (downhill), BMXmust wear a helmet
Outdoor rock climbingwith ropes and appropriate safety gear
Rafting and white water raftinggraded 4 and 5, no competition racing
River Boarding / River Sledgingin white water rapids Grade 1-3 only
Safariunder appropriate supervision
Sailing or Yachtingfrom 10 to 15 nautical miles off any land mass
Scuba divingdepth 10-30 metres, within 15 nautical miles of land, must have license or instructor, no flying within 24 hours
Shootingonly moving targets such as clay pigeons
Sky diving or parachutingmust be in tandem with licensed instructor
Zip lining/flying foxwith licensed commercial operator only

Bicycle Pack

You can purchase this option under the Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, and Domestic Frequent Traveller plans.

You will only have cover under Section BP1: Bicycle Cover if you select this option at the time of purchase, pay the additional premium, and Bicycle Pack is shown on your certificate of insurance. No cover is provided for bicycles and bicycle accessories under Section 10: Luggage & Personal Effects.

The Bicycle Pack only covers bicycles if, at the time the certificate of insurance is issued, they are:

The maximum amount we will pay for any one bicycle is $5,000 and $15,000 for all Bicycle Pack claims combined.

Pairs or related sets of items are considered as only one item and a sub-limit of $750 applies to all bicycle accessories (including but not limited to bicycle pumps, helmets, lights, pedals, tools, etc.) combined.

Cancellation Cover

This benefit is available under the Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

When purchasing your policy, select a cancellation cover amount that suits your needs, covering all prepaid expenses for everyone listed on your certificate of insurance. The cancellation cover is provided per policy, not per traveller.

The cancellation cover you choose will apply to both Section 12: Pre-Departure Cancellation Fees & Lost Deposits and Section 14: On Trip Cancellation Fees & Lost Deposits.

Note: If you're going on a cruise, you must have the Cruise Pack shown on your certificate of insurance to have cancellation cover.

Cruise Pack

You can purchase this option under the Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans. The Cruise Pack must be applied for at least 24 hours before travelling on a cruise. You cannot purchase the Cruise Pack individually.

This policy does not automatically cover you for any costs related to cruises. If you are going on a cruise for 2 nights or more, you MUST select the Cruise Pack, pay the additional premium, and Cruise Pack is shown on your certificate of insurance. You will not have cover under this policy if you go on or intend to go on a cruise and have not selected this cover.

The following sections in the table below are additional benefits included with the Cruise Pack. This table also shows the coverage limits for each section.



Onboard Medical Expenses*



Pre-paid Shore Excursion Cancellation



Missed Cruise Departure



Cabin Confinement*



Missed Port Cover*



Formal Attire Cover*



Formal Attire Delay Allowance


High Value Items

You can purchase this option under the Comprehensive plan at time of policy purchase.

The maximum amount we will pay under Section 10: Luggage & Personal Effects and Section WSP4: Winter Sports Equipment Cover as shown under the Benefits Table, excludes any high value items declared.

Additional cover can be purchased for specified items other than drones, jewellery, watches, and watercraft of any type (other than surfboards) by listing each item and its value when you apply for cover; up to a total amount of $5,000 by paying an additional premium and High Value Item will be shown on your certificate of insurance.

Please note:

Depreciation and the standard item limits do not apply to high value items. If you make a claim for high value items, you must provide us with purchase receipts for the items claimed.

Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess

If you have selected the Domestic or Domestic Frequent Traveller plan, your policy automatically provides cover of $5,000 for Section 19: Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess. You can increase this limit from $5,000 to $10,000 by paying the additional premium and the nominated cover you have selected will be shown on your certificate of insurance.

If you have selected Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, or Already Overseas plan, your policy does not automatically provide cover for Section 19: Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess. If you require cover under Section 19: Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess for these plans, you may select the appropriate amount of cover suitable for your needs from $5,000 or $10,000 by paying the additional premium and the nominated cover you have selected will be shown on your certificate of insurance. The Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess Pack must be applied for before you collect the rental vehicle from the rental company. You cannot purchase the Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess Pack individually.

Winter Sports Pack

You can purchase this option under the Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans. The Winter Sports Pack must be applied for at least 24 hours before participating in winter sports activities. You cannot purchase the Winter Sports Pack individually.

You must be aged 69 years or under at the time your policy is issued to purchase this option.

This policy does not automatically cover you for participating in winter sports activities. If you are participating in winter sports activities, you MUST select the Winter Sports Pack, pay the additional premium, and Winter Sports Pack is shown on your certificate of insurance. You will not have cover under this policy if you participate in winter sports activities and have not selected this cover.

The following sections in the table below are additional benefits included with the Winter Sports Pack. This table also shows the coverage limits for each section.



Emergency Rescue



Snow Pack



Resort Closure*



Winter Sports Equipment Cover*



Winter Sports Equipment Hire*


This additional option does not provide cover for claims under Section 6: Permanent Disability or Section 18: Personal Liability that arise from you participating in winter sports activities.

A double excess applies for all claims under Section 2: Overseas Emergency Medical & Hospital Expenses, Section 14: On Trip Cancellation Fees & Lost Deposits, and Section 15: Additional Accommodation & Travel Expenses if you purchase this option and your claim arises directly from you participating in winter sports activities. You cannot pay an additional premium to remove this excess.

Pre-existing medical condition(s)

This travel insurance is designed to provide cover for emergency medical events that are sudden and unforeseen. Medical conditions that exist at the time the policy is issued are not covered unless you have declared ALL such conditions to us, and we have agreed to cover them via written endorsement, and you have paid any additional premium.

Pre-existing medical condition’ means:

  1. Any medical, dental, physical, or mental condition, defect, virus, disease, or illness of which in the 12 months prior to the issue of the certificate of insurance, you were aware or should reasonably have been aware (due to symptoms a reasonable person in the circumstances would be expected to be aware of) and for which you (being all persons insured under the policy and set out on the certificate of insurance), your relative or travelling companion have:
    • been diagnosed or had symptoms (even if a condition has not yet been diagnosed);
    • have been prescribed medication;
    • received or are waiting for medical treatment, including any kind of surgery;
    • received or are waiting for tests, investigations, or specialist consultation
    • received or been advised to attend a follow-up consultation; and/or
    • had surgery or attended a hospital or clinic (as an outpatient or inpatient). and/or
  2. Any of the below medical conditions which you, your relative, or your travelling companion had at any time in your life:
    • Heart conditions, including any cardiovascular or coronary heart disease or any condition related to your blood or heart vessels;
    • Any condition that involves your brain, your lung & respiratory system, or circulatory systems;
    • Kidney conditions and kidney disease;
    • Any physical or mental disability;
    • Any recurring illness;
    • Conditions involving the neck or back;
    • Any type of cancer;
    • Reduced or deficient immune system; and/or
    • Any chronic or ongoing medical condition or terminal illness.

Declaring your medical conditions

When you apply for a policy, we will ask you whether you have any pre-existing medical conditions. You will need to consider our definition and decide whether you do have any such conditions.

To add a pre-existing medical condition(s), you MUST let us know at the time you buy your policy and complete the medical assessment. We will ask you some questions about your health and then determine whether we can offer you cover and if so, on what terms.

Depending on your condition, we may decline to cover you, limit the amount of cover, exclude specific medical condition(s) and/or agree to provide cover for an additional premium.

You are not covered unless we have agreed to cover your condition via written endorsement, and you have paid any additional premium.

We will only pay for treatment that was not expected at the time we agreed to insure you.


When you are covered

If you are pregnant when you take out the policy or fall pregnant afterwards, you are covered under the policy for serious unexpected and new pregnancy complications that occur up until and inclusive of the end of the 24th week of a single pregnancy, or the end of the 19th week for a multiple pregnancy.

This means that you must have returned home from your journey by the end of the 24th week for single pregnancies (or the 19th week for multiple pregnancies). If you don’t and something happens after that period, you won’t be covered whatever the circumstances.

Pregnancy complications you must tell us about

If you are pregnant when you take out the policy, you will need to tell us if you have had any complications in relation to a previous or current pregnancy by declaring the conditions in our medical screening process. You will also need to tell us if you are going through any fertility treatment such as IVF.

We will then determine whether and to what extent we can cover you for any claims that arises from, is related to, or associated with your pregnancy. Depending on the circumstances, we may decline to cover you, limit your cover and/or agree to provide cover for an additional premium. If cover is limited in any way, this will be noted in writing to you. These conditions apply whether you fall pregnant naturally or with medical assistance (for example, through IVF).

When you are not covered

You will not be covered for any claims that arise from, is related to, or associated with any past or current pregnancy complications if those medical conditions were not disclosed to us and noted in writing. This means that if you don’t tell us about current or past pregnancy complications at the time you buy your policy, or if you do tell us about them and we agree to cover them, but you choose not to have cover for them, then you won’t be covered for any claims that arise in relation to those pregnancy complications. You will also not be covered if you fail to disclose that you are undertaking fertility treatment.

In no circumstances we will pay any medical expenses for:

Period of cover

The earliest that your cover under the policy starts is when we issue you a certificate of insurance. This confirms the period for which you are insured.


If you need to return home during your journey (unless it is a claimable event), the cover provided by your policy will be suspended from the time you return to your home, until the time you leave your home to continue your journey.

If you are on an Overseas Frequent Traveller or Domestic Frequent Traveller plan and need to return home during your journey, the cover provided by your policy for this journey will end when you return to your home and any subsequent travel will be treated as a new journey.

If you need to return home during your journey, any injury or illness you have been diagnosed or had symptoms for, have been prescribed medication, received or are waiting for medical treatment in New Zealand, received or are waiting for tests, investigations, or consultations before you resume your journey, will be considered a pre-existing medical condition and will not be covered in the remaining insurance period from the time you resume your journey.

We will not pay any cost in relation to your return to New Zealand and for your expenses to travel overseas to resume your journey.

Circumstances in which you can extend your Policy

Extension of cover due to a coverable event

Your cover may be extended automatically at no additional charge if your return is delayed by an event covered under the policy, until you are able to return to New Zealand by the quickest route.

Your policy automatically extends in the following circumstances.

Extension of cover beyond your original travel dates

If you decide to travel for longer than the original travel dates shown on your certificate of insurance, you can apply to extend your policy via our online policy manager.

You must apply for an extension before your policy expires (11:59 PM NZST).

If we agree to extend your journey end date and you pay the additional premium, we will issue you with a new certificate of insurance.

Conditions where an extension of cover may not be available:

Words with special meanings

Some words in this document have defined meanings. Where they appear:

Other words in this Policy Wording have a special meaning and appear in bold. When these words are used, they have the meaning set out in the following Definitions section.


When these words are used, they have the meaning set out below. The use of the singular shall also include the use of the plural and vice versa.

1Cover NZmeans 1Cover NZ Limited, company No. 1588084, FSP472306 (an NZ company) arranges this insurance as an appointed representative of Coffre-Fort Pty Ltd, ABN 66125358518, AFS Licence No. 472457
Accidentally damagedmeans an unexpected, unforeseeable, unintended, event causing damage. The accidental damage must occur while you are on your journey
Amateurmeans any activity or sport engaged as a pastime rather than as a profession; whereby the participant has never accepted money for the time they spend training or competing
Appropriate supervisionmeans under the supervision of a person who possesses the necessary licensing, qualifications, and skills appropriate for the supervision of the activity being undertaken
Arise, Arises, Arising, or Arosemeans directly or indirectly arising or in any way connected with
Backcountrymeans any areas outside the boundaries of a ski resort
Bicyclemeans any bicycle, push scooter, tandem, trailer cycle, or tricycle that is powered by a battery and/or human pedalling
Carriermeans an aircraft, train, tram, vehicle, vessel, or other public transport operated under a licence for the purpose of transporting passengers. This definition excludes taxis
Certificate of insurancemeans the certificate of insurance that we issue to you when you purchase the policy and that forms part of your contract with us
Chronicmeans a persistent and lasting condition. It may have a pattern of relapse and remission
Competitionmeans a contest or rivalry between two or more individuals, entities, or groups for award, prestige, or recognition
Complicationsmeans any secondary diagnosis occurring prior to, during the course of, concurrent with, or as a result of any medical condition including pregnancy
Concealed storage compartmentmeans a boot, concealed cargo area, enclosed centre console, glove box, or trunk of a hatchback, motorhome, sedan, station wagon, or van
Cruisemeans a commercially operated boat or ship that is licensed to carry paying passengers for voyages of 2 nights or more in lakes, oceans, rivers, seas, or other bodies of water for the purpose of leisure. It does not include cargo ship or freighter
Departure pointmeans the airport, motor vehicle agency, port, station, or terminal from where you are scheduled to board your mode of transport or collect your rental vehicle to commence your travel
Dependantmeans your children or grandchildren not in full-time employment who are under the age of 19 and travelling with you on the journey and are named on the certificate of insurance
Epidemicmeans a fast-spreading contagious disease or illness that a recognised public health authority declares, defines, detects, or states, or otherwise classifies as an epidemic. Please refer to https://www.who.int/ and https://www.safetravel.govt.nz/ for further information on Epidemics and Pandemics
Excessmeans the amount you must pay us towards the cost of any claim arising from any one event made under your policy. If we agree to pay your claim, we will either deduct the excess from the amount of the claim we pay to you or seek payment from you
Familymeans you, your spouse or partner and your dependants who are named on the certificate of insurance
Formal attiremeans any dinner suit, dress shirt, evening gown, or cocktail dress. This does not include jewellery
Full-time jobmeans full-time permanent employment in New Zealand of at least 30 hours per week
Heli-skiingmeans downhill skiing or snowboarding from locations accessible by helicopter
Homemeans Your permanent residential address and where you usually reside in New Zealand
Hospitalmeans an established hospital registered under any legislation that applies to it, that provides in-patient medical care
Hospitalisation or Hospitalisedmeans admitted to a hospital on the recommendation of a medical adviser.
Ill or Illnessmeans a medical condition, not being an injury, the symptoms of which first occur or manifest during your period of cover
Incomemeans the amount of money you earn from full-time employment, investments, or other business activities
Injure, Injured, or Injurymeans bodily injury caused solely and directly by accidental, external, violent, and visible means which happens at a definite time and place during your period of cover and does not result from any disease or illness
Insurermeans HDI Global Specialty SE – New Zealand (FSP 774050)
Journey or Tripmeans your journey from the time when you leave your home to go directly to the place you depart from on your travels and ends when you return to your home on or before the last day of cover shown on your certificate of insurance. Journeys that involve travel solely within New Zealand will only be covered when your destination is more than 200 kilometres from your home. There is a specific definition for journey or trip for Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans, please refer to the relevant section
Lose, Loss, or Lostmeans the permanent loss of any luggage and personal effects, travel documents, or any other personal items owned by you which can no longer be found and is unable to be recovered
Luggage & Personal Effectsmeans any personal items owned by you that you take with you or buy on your journey, and which are designed to be worn or carried about with you. This includes items of clothing, medical aids, personal jewellery, personal laptops/tablets, photographic and video equipment, and portable equipment. However, it does not mean any bank notes, cash, cheques, currency notes, money orders, negotiable instruments, postal orders, bicycles, business samples or items that you intend to trade, drones, passports, transaction cards, or winter sports equipment
Medical aidsmeans a diverse range of devices, support mechanisms, and tools to assist individuals with medical needs. Examples of such aids used for your declared pre-existing medical conditions include but are not limited to CPAP machines, hearing aids, mobility scooters, walking aids, and wheelchairs
Medical advisermeans a qualified dentist or doctor of medicine, other than you or a relative, holding the necessary certifications in the country in which they are currently practicing
Moped or Scootermeans any two-wheeled or three-wheeled motor vehicle with an engine displacement of up to 125cc (cubic centimetres). It does not mean or include any dirt bikes
Motorcyclemeans any two-wheeled or three-wheeled motor vehicle with an engine displacement greater than 125cc (cubic centimetres) It does not mean or include any dirt bikes
Natural teeth or toothmeans a healthy, live, and whole tooth that has not previously been filled, restored, or treated in any way. A natural tooth (or teeth) does not mean dentures or implants
New Zealand residentmeans a New Zealand Citizen or a holder of a current and valid visa that allows you to stay in New Zealand for at least 12 months with access to long-term medical care in New Zealand or private health insurance that extends beyond the policy dates who:
  • has a permanent New Zealand residential address, and
  • agrees to be repatriated, if required, back to New Zealand under this insurance
Off-pistemeans areas within the boundaries of a ski resort that are not:
  • groomed terrain;
  • or marked slopes;
  • or trails that are maintained, monitored, open, and patrolled by the ski resort
Overseasmeans in any country other than New Zealand
Pandemicmeans a form of an epidemic occurring, or expected to occur worldwide, or over a wide geographical area, which may cross international boundaries and usually affect a large number of people. Please refer to https://www.who.int/ and https://www.safetravel.govt.nz/ for further information on Epidemics and Pandemics
Permanent disabilitymeans:
  • you have total loss of sight in one or both eyes, or the use of a hand or foot at, or above the wrist or ankle; and
  • the loss is for at least 12 months; and in our opinion after consultation with an appropriate medical specialist, will continue indefinitely
Policymeans your travel insurance policy with us and is made up of this Policy Wording, your certificate of insurance, and any other document we tell you form part of this policy
Pre-existing medical conditionmeans:
  1. Any medical, dental, physical, or mental condition, defect, virus, disease, or illness of which in the 12 months prior to the issue of the certificate of insurance, you were aware or should reasonably have been aware (due to symptoms a reasonable person in the circumstances would be expected to be aware of) and for which you (being all persons insured under the policy and set out on the certificate of insurance), your relative or travelling companion have:
    • been diagnosed or had symptoms (even if a condition has not yet been diagnosed);
    • have been prescribed medication;
    • received or are waiting for medical treatment, including any kind of surgery;
    • received or are waiting for tests, investigations, or specialist consultation
    • received or been advised to attend a follow-up consultation; and/or
    • had surgery or attended a hospital or clinic (as an outpatient or inpatient). and/or
  2. Any of the below medical conditions which you, your relative, or your travelling companion had at any time in your life:
    • Heart conditions, including any cardiovascular or coronary heart disease or any condition related to your blood or heart vessels;
    • Any condition that involves your brain, your lung & respiratory system, or circulatory systems;
    • Kidney conditions and kidney disease;
    • Any physical or mental disability;
    • Any recurring illness;
    • Conditions involving the neck or back;
    • Any type of cancer;
    • Reduced or deficient immune system; and/or
    • Any chronic or ongoing medical condition or terminal illness.
Professionalmeans activities or sports in which participants receive payment for their performance
Racingmeans a competition of speed, usually marked against time. This can be against others to see who is the fastest, or against one's own recorded time
  • for dental, hospital, or medical expenses, it refers to the standard level of care provided in the country you are visiting, ensuring it does not surpass the level typically received in New Zealand;
  • for additional travel and accommodation expenses, it refers to a level comparable to the arrangements made for the remainder of your journey. In the absence of pre-booked travel arrangements, the level should be appropriate for the circumstances without being extravagant, as determined by us. For instance, coverage does not extend to alcoholic beverages;
  • for emergency companion cover, it refers to standard (economy airfare, basic accommodation and meal) expenses, as determined by our assistance service, incurred when your traveling companion or a relative needs to travel to you, stay near you, or escort you
Reciprocal health care agreementmeans an agreement between the Government of New Zealand and the government of another country where New Zealand residents are provided with subsidised essential medical treatment. Please visit https://www.health.govt.nz/ for details of reciprocal health care agreements with New Zealand
Relativemeans any of the following who is aged 84 or under; and who is a resident of New Zealand or Australia. A relative is limited to being yours or your travelling companions'. It means your or their spouse, de facto partner, husband, wife, partner, fiancé(e), parent, parent-in-law, stepparent, stepparent-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, brother, brother-in-law, son, son-in-law, daughter, daughter-in-law, stepchild, foster child, grandparent, grandchild, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle, or guardian only
Rental vehiclemeans a campervan, car (4WD, coupe, convertible, hatchback, sedan, SUV, utility, van), minibus, motorhome or people mover that is equal to or less than 4.5 tonnes that can be hired with a standard car drivers' licence from a commercial rental motor vehicle company. This does not include services such as peer to peer car sharing, dirt bikes, mopeds, motorcycles, or scooters
Totally lostmeans the total physical loss or loss of use of hand or foot at or above the wrist or ankle. For an eye, it means the entire and irrecoverable loss of sight in that eye
Transaction cardmeans a credit card, debit card, or travel money card
Travelling companionmeans a person with whom you have made arrangements to accompany you before your policy was issued, to travel with you for at least 75% of your journey
Unattendedmeans but is not limited to when an item is:
  • left at a distance where you are unable to prevent the item from being unlawfully taken;
  • left in a place where it can be taken without your knowledge including on the beach or beside the pool when you swim;
  • left in a place where the item is out of your sight;
  • left with a person other than your relative or travelling companion;
  • not on your person, worn or carried by you; or
  • not under your control at the time of loss.
Valuablesmeans binoculars, computers, earphones, furs, headphones, jewellery, medical aids, mobile phones, personal laptops/tablets, photographic and video equipment, portable equipment, telescopes, and watches (including smartwatches)
Winter sports activitiesmeans the following amateur activities that do not involve any form of, acrobatics, aerial, freestyle, jumping, racing, or stunting:
  • skiing, snowboarding, sledge driving, sledding (including dog sledding), sleighing, tobogganing, or tubing conducted on groomed ski slopes within ski resort boundaries;
  • skiing or snowboarding off-piste (but not backcountry);
  • cross-country skiing on groomed and marked trails;
  • glacier walking with hiking equipment under appropriate supervision;
  • heli-skiing under appropriate supervision;
  • ice sailing;
  • snow shoeing on groomed and marked trails;
  • snowcat skiing under appropriate supervision;
  • snowmobile riding on groomed and marked trails under appropriate supervision.
Winter sports equipmentmeans bindings, boots, goggles, helmets, ice skates, poles, skis, ski jackets, or snowboards

What the Policy covers and does not cover

This part of the Policy Wording outlines what we will cover and what we will not cover under each policy section in the event of a claim. You must also check the General Exclusions applicable to all sections for other reasons why we will not pay.

You only have cover under a policy section if the Benefits Table shows that there is cover for the policy section under the plan you have selected.

The most we will pay for the total of all claims under each policy section is shown in the Benefits Table for the plan you have selected. Sub-limits may also apply to certain types of losses or claims.

Notwithstanding anything contained in this Policy Wording, we will not be deemed to provide cover, nor will we make any payment or provide any service or benefit to any person or party where providing such cover, payment, service, or benefit would contravene or violate any applicable trade or economic sanction or any law or regulation.

1. 24/7 Emergency Assistance Service

This cover applies to Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Medical Only, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans. Our emergency assistance team are available 24/7 to help you if you need it.

When travelling, if you are unwell or in pain you can contact our assistance service, who are available to help 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

If you are advised that you need a medical transfer or evacuation to New Zealand, you or a member of your travelling party MUST contact our assistance service as soon as possible and obtain their prior approval for any expenses. The decision to evacuate or repatriate you is ours, and we will not pay for any evacuation or repatriation expenses unless you have received our consent.

If you do not contact our assistance service or follow their guidance, we will not pay any expenses that would have been avoided or minimised if you had followed their guidance.

We will provide

We will pay for our assistance service to provide the following services if you injure yourself or become ill while overseas:

  1. Arrange access to a medical adviser for emergency medical treatment while you are overseas.
  2. Arrange medical transfer if you need to be transported to the nearest overseas hospital for emergency medical treatment.
  3. Arrange evacuation if you need to return to New Zealand to seek medical treatment.
  4. Provide written guarantees of payment of reasonable expenses for emergency hospitalisation that may be required while you are overseas.
  5. Pass on messages to your family or employer in the case of an emergency.
  6. Arrange for your dependants to return to New Zealand during your journey if they are left without supervision following your hospitalisation or evacuation.

We will not cover

You will not be covered if you elect to receive private medical treatment where public funded services or treatment is readily available, including medical or hospital treatment under a reciprocal health care agreement between the government of New Zealand and the government at your destination. The list of countries that New Zealand has a reciprocal health care agreements with can be found at https://www.safetravel.govt.nz/

If you do not get the medical treatment you expect, although our assistance service can assist you, neither we nor our assistance service will be liable for anything that results from that treatment.

We will not pay for:

  1. any hospital, medical, or ambulance costs incurred in New Zealand.
  2. any subsequent medical, hospital or evacuation expenses if you decline to promptly follow any medical advice our assistance service has given.
  3. medical evacuation or the transportation of your remains from New Zealand to an overseas country.
  4. any claims arising from search and rescue.
  5. any claims under this section arising from your participation in any sports or recreational activities listed under the Adventure & Sports Pack unless you have purchased the Adventure & Sports Pack.
  6. any claims under this section arising during your travel on a cruise unless you have purchased the Cruise Pack.
  7. any claims under this section arising from your participation in winter sports activities unless you have purchased the Winter Sports Pack.

2. Overseas Emergency Medical & Hospital Expenses

This cover only applies to Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Medical Only, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will pay or reimburse:

  1. you for reasonable overseas emergency medical, and other necessary treatment expenses you incur until you get back to New Zealand if you become ill or injured overseas. This cover is subject to the following conditions:
    • the medical or hospital expenses must have been incurred by a claimable event and confirmed in writing by a medical adviser.
    • you must make every effort to keep your medical and hospital expenses to a minimum.
    • if you are hospitalised or, if you are treated as an outpatient and the total cost of the treatment will exceed $1,000, you or a member of your travelling party must contact our assistance service as soon as possible and obtain their prior approval for any expenses. If you do not, we will not pay for any expenses that our assistance service would not have approved or arranged had you sought their prior approval.
    • if our assistance service determines that you should return home to New Zealand for treatment and you do not agree to do so, ongoing cover will be limited to what we determine would have been the cost to return you to New Zealand. If you do not have a return ticket booked to New Zealand, we will reduce the amount of your claim by the price of the fare to New Zealand. The fare will be at the same fare class as the one you left New Zealand. You will then be responsible for any ongoing or additional costs relating to or arising out of the event for which you have claimed.
    • the medical or hospital expenses incurred within 12 months after an illness first showed itself or the injury happened.

We will not cover

We will not pay or reimburse for expenses:

  1. incurred in New Zealand including ambulance and medical transport costs
  2. arising from Pre-existing medical condition(s) except as specified under Pre-existing medical condition(s).
  3. if you do not take the advice of our assistance service.
  4. for more than 2 weeks treatment by a chiropractor, dentist, or physiotherapist unless approved by our assistance service.
  5. in respect of medical care that is covered under a reciprocal health care agreement.
  6. arising from any search and rescue.
  7. any claims under this section arising from your participation in any sports or recreational activities listed under the Adventure & Sports Pack unless you have purchased the Adventure & Sports Pack.
  8. any claims under this section arising during your travel on a cruise unless you have purchased the Cruise Pack.
  9. any claims under this section arising from your participation in winter sports activities unless you have purchased the Winter Sports Pack.
  10. arising from any COVID-19 testing including PCR tests or vaccinations unless undertaken as part of your hospitalisation or prescribed by a medical adviser.

3. Dental Expenses

This cover only applies to Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Medical Only, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will pay or reimburse the cost of emergency dental treatment up to the maximum payable benefit for dental costs incurred which the treating dentist certifies in writing is for the relief of sudden and acute pain to sound and natural teeth.

We will not cover

We will not pay or reimburse for expenses:

  1. incurred in New Zealand.
  2. arising from Pre-existing medical condition(s) except as specified under Pre-existing medical condition(s).
  3. relating to damage to bridges, crowns, dentures, or dental prostheses.
  4. relating to dental treatment involving the use of precious metals or for cosmetic dentistry.
  5. for dental treatment caused by or related to the deterioration and/or decay of teeth, including fillings or root canal treatments.
  6. for preventative dental treatment.

4. Hospital Cash Allowance

This cover only applies to Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will pay you if you are hospitalised for a continuous period of more than 48 hours while you are overseas, $50 for each full 24-hour period that the hospitalisation continues beyond the initial 48 hours.

We will not cover

We will not pay:

  1. for the first 48 continuous hours you are in hospital.
  2. if you cannot claim for overseas medical expenses in Section 2: Overseas Emergency Medical & Hospital Expenses.

5. Repatriation Of Remains

This cover only applies to Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Medical Only, and Already Overseas plans.

If you die as a result of an injury or illness during your journey, we will pay or reimburse the reasonable cost of:

6. Permanent Disability

This cover only applies to Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will pay the permanent disability benefit shown in the Benefits Table if:

  1. you are injured during an overseas journey; and
  2. within 12 months of the injury you have totally lost all of the sight in one or both eyes or the total use of a hand or foot at or above the wrist or ankle; and the loss is for at least 12 months and, in our reasonable opinion after consultation with an appropriate medical specialist, will continue indefinitely.

We will not cover

We will not pay:

  1. any claims under this section arising from your participation in winter sports activities.
  2. any claims under this section arising from your participation in sports and activities listed in Adventure & Sports Pack.

You must check the General Exclusions which apply to all sections for other reasons why we will not pay.

7. Loss Of Income

This cover only applies to Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will pay you $400 per week up to 26 continuous weeks if:

  1. during your overseas journey you suffer an injury requiring medical treatment overseas that causes you to become disabled within 30 days of the injury; and
  2. the disablement continues for more than 30 consecutive days from the date of your return to New Zealand; and
  3. as a result of the disablement, you cannot do your normal full-time job or suitable alternative work; and
  4. you lose all your income.

We will not cover

We will not pay for:

  1. the first 30 days of your disablement from the time you return to New Zealand.
  2. loss of income of dependants.

8. Travel Documents & Transaction Cards

This cover only applies to Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will reimburse:

  1. the replacement costs (including communication costs) of any travel documents excluding passports you lose, or which are stolen from you during an overseas journey where the loss is not covered by any guarantee provided by the issuing company.
  2. the cost of your emergency passport (including communication costs) where your original passport was accidentally damaged, lost or stolen from you during an overseas journey. We will also reimburse the cost of your new passport if there was at least 2 years validity left on your original passport at the time you commenced your overseas journey.
  3. the loss resulting from the fraudulent use of your transaction card you lose, or which was stolen from you during an overseas journey. We will only pay the difference between the amount of your loss and what you were reimbursed, up to the limit of your cover.

We will not cover

We will not reimburse:

  1. if you do not report the loss or theft as soon as practicable after becoming aware of the loss, to the police or other appropriate authority. In the case of transaction cards, to the bank or issuing company in accordance with the conditions under which the transaction cards were issued. You must prove that you made such report by providing us with a written statement from whoever you reported it to.
  2. the loss resulting from the use of your transaction card where the bank or issuing company have not agreed to cover the loss.

9. Theft Of Cash

This cover only applies to Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

  1. We will reimburse the value of cash, bank notes, currency notes, postal orders, money orders or cheques including travellers cheques stolen whilst on your person during an overseas journey.

You MUST report the theft as soon as possible after you become aware of the loss, to the police or an officer of the carrier (or other appropriate authority) on which you were travelling when the theft occurred. You must prove that you made such report by providing us with a written statement from whoever you reported it to.

We will not cover

  1. We will not reimburse if the cash, bank notes, current notes, postal orders, money orders or cheques including travellers cheques were not on your person at the time of loss.

10. Luggage & Personal Effects

This cover only applies to Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

  1. We will pay the repair cost or value of any Luggage & Personal Effects which are stolen, accidentally damaged, or are permanently lost during your journey. When calculating the amount payable we will apply depreciation due to age, wear, and tear. The amount of such depreciation will be determined by us. The depreciation rate table we use as a guide can be found on our website. The maximum amount we will pay will be the lesser of:
    • the depreciated value after allowing for age, wear and tear and item limits (see the Depreciation Guide on our website for more details) or
    • the repair cost.

The maximum amount we will pay for any item (i.e. the item limit) is:

First lost / stolen / damaged item#*Maximum amount payable for the first item#*Maximum amount payable for subsequent lost / stolen / damaged items within the same category#*

Category 1: Computers, personal laptops, photographic and video equipment



Category 2: Mobile phones and tablets



Category 3: Jewellery



All other items



Pairs or related sets of items are considered as only one item and the appropriate single item limit will be applied. For example, this applies, but is not limited to:

  1. We will pay up to a maximum of $5,000 (or any lower amount which you have selected) for all high value items combined. Depreciation and the standard item limits do not apply to high value items. If you make a claim for high value items, you must provide us with purchase receipts for the items claimed.
  2. We will only pay $200 for each item, and $2,000 in total for all stolen items, even if they are high value items, for Luggage & Personal Effects which are left in a motor vehicle:
    • during daylight hours; and
    • must have been left in a concealed storage compartment of a locked motor vehicle; and
    • forced entry must have been made.

You MUST report the theft as soon as possible after you become aware of the loss, to the police or an officer of the carrier (or other appropriate authority) on which you were travelling when the theft occurred. You must prove that you made such report by providing us with a written statement from whoever you reported it to.

We will not cover

We will not pay:

  1. for loss, theft, or damage to or of the following:
    • cash, bank notes, currency notes, postal orders, money orders or cheques including travellers cheques;
    • drones;
    • watercraft of any type (other than surfboards);
    • sporting equipment while in use (including surfboards).
  2. for damage to mobile phones, laptops, smartwatches, or tablets screens including LCDs and back glass.
  3. for water (or any liquid) damage to mobile phones, laptops, smartwatches, or tablets.
  4. for loss, theft, or damage to or of bicycles and its accessories except as provided under Section BP1: Bicycle Cover and you have paid the additional premium and Bicycle Pack is shown on your certificate of insurance.
  5. for loss, theft, or damage to winter sports equipment except as provided under Section WSP4: Winter Sports Equipment Cover and you have paid the additional premium and Winter Sports Pack is shown on your certificate of insurance.
  6. for loss, theft, or damage to valuables which occurs while checked in to be transported in the cargo hold of any carrier including any loss from the point of check in until collection by you from the baggage carousel or collection area at the end of your flight, voyage or trip unless the carrier requires you to transport these items in the cargo hold and you have written confirmation from the carrier to this effect.
  7. for loss, theft, or damage to valuables left or stored in an overhead cabin or hold of any carrier unless the carrier requires you to transport these items in the overhead cabin or hold and you have written confirmation from the carrier to this effect.
  8. for loss, theft, or damage to Luggage & Personal Effects:
    • while they were left unattended in any place at any time, unless secured in your accommodation (excluding shared accommodation or room such as a hostel, Airbnb, or campgrounds), a safe or secure luggage locker.
    • while they were left unattended and visible in a motor vehicle unless they were left in a concealed storage compartment of a locked motor vehicle.
    • while they were left at, during or overnight in a motor vehicle even if they were left in a concealed storage compartment of a locked motor vehicle.
    • while left behind in any accommodation after you have checked out.
    • while left behind in any form of public or private transport.
    • while they were being sent unaccompanied, under a freight contract or any luggage forwarding services.
  9. for loss or damage to Luggage & Personal Effects arising from:
    • electrical or mechanical breakdown.
    • any process of cleaning, repair, or alteration.
    • ordinary wear and tear, deterioration, atmospheric or weather conditions, insects, rodents, or vermin.
    • a fragile, brittle or an electronic component being broken or scratched - unless the damage is to the lens of binoculars, photographic or video equipment, spectacles, or was caused by a crash involving a vehicle in which you are travelling.
  10. if you are entitled to be reimbursed by the carrier you were travelling on when the loss, theft, misplacement, or damage occurred. We will only pay the difference between the amount of your loss and what you were reimbursed, up to the limit of your cover (allowing for depreciation due to age, wear, and tear) if you are not reimbursed the full amount of your claim with the carrier.

11. Luggage & Personal Effects Delay Expenses

This cover only applies to Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will reimburse you:

  1. up to $500 if your checked-in Luggage & Personal Effects are delayed, misdirected, or misplaced by a carrier for more than 12 hours while you are overseas and in our reasonable opinion it was reasonable for you to purchase essential items of clothing or other personal items.
  2. up to $1,000 if your checked-in Luggage & Personal Effects are delayed, misdirected, or misplaced by a carrier for more than 7 days while you are overseas and in our reasonable opinion it was reasonable for you to purchase essential items of clothing or other personal items.

You must provide us with written confirmation from the carrier who was responsible for your Luggage & Personal Effects that they were delayed, misdirected, or misplaced along with the receipts for the essential items you purchased.

We will deduct any amount we pay you under this section from any claim for lost Luggage & Personal Effects under Section 10: Luggage & Personal Effects.

We will not cover

We will not reimburse if:

  1. you are entitled to compensation by the carrier you were travelling on where the Luggage & Personal Effects are delayed, misdirected, or misplaced. We will only pay the difference between the amount of your loss and what you were reimbursed, up to the limit of your cover if you are not reimbursed the full amount of your claim with the carrier.
  2. your checked-in Luggage & Personal Effects are delayed, misdirected, or misplaced on the final return leg of your trip home.

12. Pre-Departure Cancellation Fees & Lost Deposits

This cover only applies to Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, and Domestic Frequent Traveller plans.

We will cover

We will reimburse cancellation fees and lost deposits including travel agent's cancellation fee for your unused travel and accommodation arrangements for which you have paid in advance, associated with those named on your certificate of insurance only, that you cannot recover in any other way if:

  1. your journey is cancelled or shortened due to one of the following reasons:
    • you cannot travel because of an injury, illness, or medical condition which needs immediate treatment from a medical adviser who certifies that you are unfit to travel.
    • your scheduled or connecting transport is cancelled, delayed, diverted, rescheduled, or shortened because of one of the following events: strike, riot, hijack, civil protest or unrest, weather, natural disaster, or physical accident affecting your mode of transport.
    • you are a full-time member of the New Zealand Defence Force or of federal, state, or territory emergency services and your pre-arranged approved leave is cancelled by your employer.
    • you are made redundant from full-time employment in New Zealand provided you were not aware that the redundancy was to occur before the policy was issued.
    • a wedding, funeral, or prepaid conference, concert, music festival, or sporting event that you were scheduled to attend was cancelled and was the sole purpose of your trip.
  2. your journey is cancelled or shortened due to the hospitalisation, serious illness, or death of a relative of yours in New Zealand or Australia. The maximum we will pay is $2,000 per adult if the hospitalisation, serious illness, or death of a relative of yours in New Zealand or Australia arises as a result of a pre-existing medical condition and you were unaware of the likelihood of the event before the policy was issued.

Wherever claims are made by you under this section and/or Section 13: Pre-Departure Amendments to Journey for cancelled services/facilities or alternative arrangements for the same or similar services/facilities, we will only pay for the higher of the two amounts, not both.

We will not cover

We will not reimburse if:

  1. before your period of cover commenced, you were aware of any reason that may cause your journey to be cancelled, delayed, diverted, or shortened.
  2. you can claim your cancellation fees and lost deposits from anyone else.
  3. the expenses you have paid for, are or on behalf of any other person, unless that person is also an insured person named on your certificate of insurance.
  4. your claim arises from cancellations, delays, diversions, rescheduling, or shortening to your scheduled or connecting transport unless it is due to a strike, riot, hijack, civil protest or unrest, weather, natural disaster, or physical accident affecting your mode of transport.
  5. your claim arises from the mechanical breakdown, operational, engineering or crewing requirements of any means of transport.
  6. your claim arises from the death, injury, or illness of any person who resides outside of New Zealand or Australia.
  7. your claim arises from an act or threat of terrorism.
  8. your claim arises from civil protest or unrest where the military or armed forces have seized control.
  9. your claim arises from being classified as a close contact of any person diagnosed with COVID-19.
  10. you are unable to provide written advice from a medical adviser certifying that you have been positively diagnosed with COVID-19.

13. Pre-Departure Amendments to Journey

This cover only applies to Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will reimburse:

  1. your reasonable additional travel expenses to amend or delay the start of your journey if after the policy is issued you cannot travel because of an injury, illness, or medical condition which needs immediate treatment from a medical adviser who certifies that you are unfit to travel.
  2. your reasonable additional travel expenses to amend or delay the start of your journey if after the policy is issued your scheduled or connecting transport is cancelled, delayed, diverted, rescheduled, or shortened because of strike, riot, hijack, civil protest or unrest, weather, natural disaster, or physical accident affecting your mode of transport.
  3. your reasonable additional travel expenses to amend or delay the start of your journey if after the policy is issued, a relative of yours in New Zealand or Australia aged 84 or under dies unexpectedly, is disabled by a serious injury, or becomes seriously sick and requires hospitalisation (other than arising out of a pre-existing medical condition).

Wherever claims are made by you under this section and/or Section 12: Pre-Departure Cancellation Fees & Lost Deposits for cancelled services/facilities or alternative arrangements for the same or similar services/facilities, we will only pay for the higher of the two amounts, not both.

We will not cover

We will not reimburse if:

  1. before your period of cover commenced, you were aware of any reason that may cause your journey to be cancelled, delayed, diverted, rescheduled, or shortened.
  2. you can claim your additional travel and accommodation expenses from anyone else.
  3. the additional out-of-pocket expenses you have paid for, are or on behalf of any other person, unless that person is also an insured person named on your certificate of insurance.
  4. your claim arises from cancellations, delays, diversions, rescheduling, or shortening to your scheduled or connecting transport unless it is due to a strike, riot, hijack, civil protest or unrest, weather, natural disaster, or physical accident affecting your mode of transport.
  5. your claim arises from the mechanical breakdown, operational, engineering or crewing requirements of any means of transport.
  6. your claim arises from an act or threat of terrorism.
  7. your claim arises from civil protest or unrest where the military or armed forces have seized control.
  8. your claim arises from being classified as a close contact of any person diagnosed with COVID-19.
  9. you are unable to provide written advice from a medical adviser certifying that you have been positively diagnosed with COVID-19.

14. On Trip Cancellation Fees & Lost Deposits

This cover only applies to Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will reimburse cancellation fees and lost deposits including travel agent's cancellation fee for your unused travel and accommodation arrangements for which you have paid in advance, associated with those named on your certificate of insurance only, that you cannot recover in any other way if:

  1. your journey is cancelled or shortened due to one of the following reasons:
    • you cannot travel because of an injury, illness, or medical condition which needs immediate treatment from a medical adviser who certifies that you are unfit to travel.
    • your scheduled or connecting transport is cancelled, delayed, diverted, rescheduled, or shortened because of one of the following events: strike, riot, hijack, civil protest or unrest, weather, natural disaster, or physical accident affecting your mode of transport.
    • you are a full-time member of the New Zealand Defence Force or of federal, state, or territory emergency services and your pre-arranged approved leave is cancelled by your employer.
    • you are made redundant from full-time employment in New Zealand provided you were not aware that the redundancy was to occur before the policy was issued.
    • you lose your passport, travel documents, or transaction cards or they are stolen.
    • your home is rendered uninhabitable by earthquake, explosion, fire, or flood.
  2. your journey is cancelled or shortened due to the hospitalisation, serious illness, or death of a relative of yours in New Zealand or Australia. The maximum we will pay is $2,000 per adult if the hospitalisation, serious illness, or death of a relative of yours in New Zealand or Australia arises as a result of a pre-existing medical condition and you were unaware of the likelihood of the event before the policy was issued.

Wherever claims are made by you under this section and/or Section 15: Additional Accommodation & Travel Expenses, Section 16: Travel Delay Expenses, or Section 17: Special Event Transport Expenses for cancelled services/facilities or alternative arrangements for the same or similar services/facilities, we will only pay for the higher of the two amounts, not both.

We will not cover

We will not reimburse if:

  1. before your period of cover commenced, you were aware of any reason that may cause your journey to be cancelled, delayed, diverted, or shortened.
  2. you can claim your cancellation fees and lost deposits from anyone else.
  3. the expenses you have paid for, are or on behalf of any other person, unless that person is also an insured person named on your certificate of insurance.
  4. your claim arises from cancellations, delays, diversions, rescheduling, or shortening to your scheduled or connecting transport unless it is due to a strike, riot, hijack, civil protest or unrest, weather, natural disaster, or physical accident affecting your mode of transport.
  5. your claim arises from the mechanical breakdown, operational, engineering or crewing requirements of any means of transport.
  6. your claim arises from the death, injury, or illness of any person who resides outside of New Zealand or Australia.
  7. your claim arises from an act or threat of terrorism.
  8. your claim arises from civil protest or unrest where the military or armed forces have seized control.
  9. your claim arises from being classified as a close contact of any person diagnosed with COVID-19.
  10. you are unable to provide written advice from a medical adviser certifying that you have been positively diagnosed with COVID-19.

15. Additional Accommodation & Travel Expenses

This cover only applies to Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will reimburse:

  1. your reasonable additional accommodation and travel expenses including meals if, after your journey has commenced, you cannot travel because of an injury, illness, or medical condition which needs immediate treatment from a medical adviser who certifies that you are unfit to travel.
  2. your reasonable cost of your return to New Zealand if you shorten your journey and return to New Zealand on the written advice of a medical adviser approved by our assistance service. We will only pay the cost of the fare class that you had planned to travel at, and you must take advantage of any pre-arranged return travel to New Zealand. If you do not have a return ticket booked to New Zealand, we will reduce the amount of your claim by the price of the fare to New Zealand. The fare will be at the same fare class as the one you left New Zealand.
  3. your reasonable additional accommodation and travel expenses including meals if a disruption to your journey arises from the following reasons:
    • you lose your passport, travel documents, or transaction cards or they are stolen.
    • your scheduled or connecting transport is cancelled, delayed, diverted, rescheduled, or shortened because of one of the following events: strike, riot, hijack, civil protest or unrest, weather, natural disaster, or physical accident affecting your mode of transport.
    • your home is rendered uninhabitable by earthquake, explosion, fire, or flood.
  4. up to $500 for the cost of returning your rental vehicle to the nearest depot if your medical adviser certifies in writing that you are unfit to do so during your journey and for which a claim has been accepted by us under Section 2: Overseas Emergency Medical & Hospital Expenses.
  5. your reasonable additional accommodation and travel expenses including meals if you have been positively diagnosed with COVID-19 during your journey by a medical adviser who certifies in writing that you are unfit to travel. If you have been positively diagnosed with COVID-19 by a medical adviser who certifies in writing that you are unfit to travel, the most we will pay is as follows:
Plan TypeYou have not been hospitalisedYou have been hospitalised

Comprehensive / Overseas Frequent Traveller

$5,000 per adult

$10,000 per adult

Medical Only

Domestic / Domestic Frequent Traveller

$2,000 per adult

$2,000 per adult

Already Overseas

$5,000 per adult

$10,000 per adult

Wherever claims are made by you under this section and/or Section 14: On Trip Cancellation Fees & Lost Deposits for cancelled services/facilities or alternative arrangements for the same or similar services/facilities, we will only pay for the higher of the two amounts, not both.

We will not cover

We will not reimburse if:

  1. before your period of cover commenced, you were aware of any reason that may cause your journey to be cancelled, delayed, diverted, rescheduled, or shortened.
  2. you can claim your additional travel and accommodation expenses from anyone else.
  3. the additional out-of-pocket expenses you have paid for, are or on behalf of any other person, unless that person is also an insured person named on your certificate of insurance.
  4. your claim arises from cancellations, delays, diversions, rescheduling, or shortening to your scheduled or connecting transport unless it is due to a strike, riot, hijack, civil protest or unrest, weather, natural disaster, or physical accident affecting your mode of transport.
  5. your claim arises from the mechanical breakdown, operational, engineering or crewing requirements of any means of transport.
  6. your claim arises from an act or threat of terrorism.
  7. your claim arises from civil protest or unrest where the military or armed forces have seized control.
  8. your claim arises from being classified as a close contact of any person diagnosed with COVID-19.
  9. you are unable to provide written advice from a medical adviser certifying that you have been positively diagnosed with COVID-19.

15A. Family Emergency

This cover only applies to Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will reimburse:

  1. the reasonable additional cost of your return to New Zealand or Australia, if during your journey, your travelling companion or a relative of either of you aged 84 or under:
    • dies unexpectedly;
    • is disabled by a serious injury; or
    • becomes seriously sick and requires hospitalisation (other than arising out of a pre-existing medical condition). The maximum we will pay is $2,000 per adult if the hospitalisation or death of you or your travelling companion's relative in New Zealand or Australia arises as a result of a pre-existing medical condition and you were unaware of the likelihood of the hospitalisation or death before the policy was issued. The fare will be at the same fare class as the one you left New Zealand.

We will not cover

We will not reimburse if:

  1. before your period of cover commenced, you were aware of any reason that may cause your journey to be cancelled, delayed, diverted, or shortened.
  2. you can claim your additional travel and accommodation expenses from anyone else.
  3. the additional out-of-pocket expenses you have paid for, are or on behalf of any other person, unless that person is also an insured person named on your certificate of insurance.

15B. Emergency Companion Cover

This cover only applies to Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will reimburse:

  1. the reasonable additional accommodation and travel expenses you incur to remain with your travelling companion if they cannot continue their journey because of an injury or illness which needs immediate treatment from a medical adviser who certifies that your travelling companion is unfit to travel.
  2. the reasonable accommodation and travel expenses of your travelling companion or a relative to travel to you, stay near you, or escort you, if you are in hospital suffering from a life threatening or other serious condition, or are evacuated for medical reasons. They must travel, stay with you, or escort you on the written advice of a medical adviser and with the prior approval of our assistance service. If you have been positively diagnosed with COVID-19 by a medical adviser who certifies in writing that you are unfit to travel, please refer to the table in Section 15: Additional Accommodation & Travel Expenses.

We will not cover

We will not reimburse if:

  1. before your period of cover commenced, you were aware of any reason that may cause your journey to be cancelled, delayed, diverted, or shortened.
  2. you can claim your additional travel and accommodation expenses from anyone else.
  3. your claim arises from being classified as a close contact of any person diagnosed with COVID-19.
  4. you are unable to provide written advice from a medical adviser certifying that you have been positively diagnosed with COVID-19.

16. Travel Delay Expenses

This cover only applies to Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will reimburse up to $200 for reasonable additional meal and accommodation expenses if your pre-paid scheduled transport is cancelled, delayed, or rescheduled for a reason outside of your control, your journey has commenced, and you are delayed for at least 6 hours; and up to $200 for each full 24-hour period that the disruption continues beyond the initial 6-hour delay.

Wherever claims are made by you under this section and/or Section 14: On Trip Cancellation Fees & Lost Deposits for cancelled services/facilities or alternative arrangements for the same or similar services/facilities, we will only pay for the higher of the two amounts, not both.

We will not cover

We will not reimburse if:

  1. before your period of cover commenced, you were aware of any reason that may cause your journey to be cancelled, delayed, diverted, or shortened.
  2. you missed a connecting flight or transport service where the stopover, layover, or connection originally scheduled on your itinerary was less than 4 hours.
  3. you can claim your additional meals and accommodation expenses from anyone else.
  4. the additional out-of-pocket expenses you have paid for, are or on behalf of any other person, unless that person is also an insured person named on your certificate of insurance.
  5. your claim is for new flights or other transport costs or upgrades for you to continue your journey.
  6. your claim arises from an act or threat of terrorism.
  7. your claim arises from civil protest or unrest where the military or armed forces have seized control.

17. Special Event Transport Expenses

This cover only applies to Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will reimburse your reasonable additional travel expenses if, after your journey has commenced, your scheduled overseas transport is cancelled, delayed, diverted, or shortened, causing you to miss a wedding, funeral, prepaid conference, concert, music festival, sporting event, or a tour lasting more than two consecutive nights.

Wherever claims are made by you under this section and/or Section 14: On Trip Cancellation Fees & Lost Deposits for cancelled services/facilities or alternative arrangements for the same or similar services/facilities, we will only pay for the higher of the two amounts, not both.

We will not cover

We will not reimburse if:

  1. before your period of cover commenced, you were aware of any reason that may cause your journey to be cancelled, delayed, diverted, or shortened.
  2. you can claim your additional travel expenses from anyone else.
  3. the additional out-of-pocket expenses you have paid for, are or on behalf of any other person, unless that person is also an insured person named on your certificate of insurance.
  4. your claim arises from an act or threat of terrorism.
  5. your claim arises from civil protest or unrest where the military or armed forces have seized control.

18. Personal liability

This cover applies to Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Medical Only, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

  1. We will cover you if you become unintentionally legally liable in respect of death or bodily injury, and/or physical loss of, or damage to property which occurred during your journey which is caused by an accident or a series of accidents attributable to one source or originating cause.
  2. We will also reimburse your reasonable legal expenses for settling or defending the claim made against you. You must not:
    • admit to anyone that you are at fault for any event; and
    • offer or promise to pay any money to anyone or become involved in litigation, without our approval.

We will not cover

We will not pay for any amount you become legally liable to pay if the claim arises from, is related to, or associated with:

  1. bodily injury to you, your travelling companion, or to a relative or employee of either of you.
  2. damage to property belonging to you, or in your care or control, or belonging to, or in the care or control of, your relative, or your travelling companion, or an employee of either of you.
  3. your ownership, custody, control or use of any firearm or weapon, aerial device, watercraft, or motorised vehicle.
  4. your conduct of, or employment in, any business, profession, trade, or occupation.
  5. any loss, damage, or expenses which are covered or should have been covered under a statutory or compulsory insurance policy, statutory or compulsory insurance or compensation scheme or fund, or under workers compensation legislation, an industrial award or agreement, or accident compensation legislation.
  6. any fine or penalty, or aggravated punitive, exemplary, or liquidated damages.
  7. disease that is transmitted to you or by you.
  8. any relief or recovery other than monetary amounts.
  9. a contract that imposes a liability on you which you would not otherwise have.
  10. assault and/or battery committed by you or at your direction.
  11. conduct intended to cause bodily injury, property damage, or liability with reckless disregard for the consequences of you or any person acting with your knowledge, consent, or connivance.
  12. your participation in winter sports activities.
  13. your participation in any sports and activities listed in Adventure & Sports Pack.

19. Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess

This cover only applies to Domestic or Domestic Frequent Traveller plans, or if you have purchased the optional Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess under Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, or Already Overseas plans. This will be shown on your certificate of insurance.

Cover is only provided under this benefit if your rental vehicle agreement specifies an excess, deductible, or damage liability fee that is payable in the event the rental vehicle is damaged or stolen while in your custody.

This section does not cover items such as, but not limited to, tyres and/or windscreens, roof, and underbody if they are not covered by the protection provided by the rental company under the rental vehicle agreement to which the excess, deductible, or damage liability fees applies.

We will cover

We will reimburse if:

  1. during your period of cover, a rental vehicle you have rented from a rental company or agency is involved in a motor vehicle accident while you are driving it, or damaged or stolen while in your custody, we will pay the lesser of:
    • the motor vehicle insurance excess or the liability fee you are required to pay under a damage waiver; and
    • the cost of repair of the property damage for which you are liable. You must provide a copy of the following documents:
    • your rental vehicle agreement;
    • the incident report of the accident provided to or made by the rental company;
    • an itemised list of the value of the damage;
    • the repair account; and
    • a written demand from the rental company or agency for the excess, liability fee or property damage. This cover does not replace rental vehicle insurance and only covers the excess component up to the applicable benefit limit.

The maximum amount we will pay for all claims combined under this section is variable depending upon the excess amount you selected. This will be shown on your certificate of insurance. The amount applies to the total of all claims combined, regardless of the number of persons the claims relate to.

We will not cover

We will not reimburse a claim involving the theft or damage to your rental vehicle if your claim arises from you operating or using the rental vehicle:

  1. in violation of the rental vehicle agreement.
  2. if you purchase your policy after you collect the rental vehicle from the rental company.
  3. while affected by alcohol or any other drug in a way that is against a law of the place you are in.
  4. without a licence for the purpose for which you were using it.
  5. if the claim is for administrative charges or fees of the rental company such as loss of use.

20. Domestic Pets

This cover only applies to Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will reimburse you up to:

  1. $50 for each 24-hour period for additional kennel, boarding, or cattery fees for domestic dogs and cats owned by you if you are delayed beyond your original return date due to an event covered under this policy.
  2. $400 if your dog or cat suffers an injury during your journey and requires veterinary treatment, provided that at the time of the injury, your dog or cat was in the care of a relative or boarding kennel.

We will not cover

We will not reimburse any kennel, boarding or cattery fees incurred outside of New Zealand.

21. Domestic Services

This cover only applies to Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will reimburse if you become disabled as a result of an injury which occurs during an overseas journey and the disablement continues after your return to New Zealand, up to $50 for each full 24-hour period for the cost of housekeeping services that you are unable to perform yourself.

We will not cover

We will not reimburse you if you do not have a medical certificate confirming disablement and verifying the need for the housekeeping services while you are disabled.

CP1. Onboard Medical Expenses

This cover only applies if you have purchased the Cruise Pack which is an option available for Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans. This benefit is for medical treatment provided while onboard a cruise, even if the cruise is within New Zealand waters. 

We will cover

We will pay or reimburse:

  1. you for reasonable onboard emergency medical, and other necessary treatment expenses you incur while on a cruise if you become ill or injured. This cover is subject to the following conditions:

We will not cover

We will not pay or reimburse for expenses:

  1. incurred in New Zealand except when onboard a cruise in New Zealand waters.
  2. arising from Pre-existing medical condition(s) except as specified under Pre-existing medical condition(s).
  3. if you do not take the advice of our assistance service.
  4. for more than 2 weeks treatment by a chiropractor, dentist, or physiotherapist unless approved by our assistance service.
  5. in respect of medical care that is covered under a reciprocal health care agreement.
  6. arising from any search and rescue.
  7. any claims under this section arising from your participation in any sports or recreational activities listed under the Adventure & Sports Pack unless you have purchased the Adventure & Sports Pack.
  8. arising from any COVID-19 testing including PCR tests or vaccinations unless undertaken as part of your hospitalisation or prescribed by a medical adviser.

CP2. Pre-paid Shore Excursions Cancellation

This cover only applies if you have purchased the Cruise Pack which is an option available for Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will reimburse:

  1. your cancellation fees and lost deposits for your unused pre-paid shore excursion(s) for which you have paid in advance, associated with those named on your certificate of insurance only, that you cannot recover in any other way due to your confinement in your cabin or in the cruise's medical centre, or as a result of circumstances outside of your control.

CP3. Missed Cruise Departure

This cover only applies if you have purchased the Cruise Pack which is an option available for Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will reimburse your reasonable additional accommodation and travel expenses to get you to the nearest port in your itinerary, incurred after you leave your home in New Zealand, if you missed the scheduled departure of your pre-booked cruise due to:

  1. an accident affecting your mode of transport provided you have written confirmation from the appropriate authority stating full details of the accident;
  2. the cancellations, delays, diversion, rescheduling, or shortening of your prepaid scheduled transport caused by hijack, riot, strike, or civil protest or unrest;
  3. weather conditions; or
  4. natural disaster

We will not cover

We will not reimburse if:

  1. you can claim your additional accommodation and travel expenses from anyone else.
  2. your claim arises from cancellations, delays, diversion, rescheduling, or shortening of the scheduled or connecting transport unless it is due to a strike, riot, hijack, civil protest or unrest, weather, natural disaster, or accident affecting your mode of transport.

CP4. Cabin Confinement

This cover only applies if you have purchased the Cruise Pack which is an option available for Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will pay if you are confined in your cabin or in the cruise’s medical centre for a continuous period of more than 24 hours, $50 for each full 24-hour period that the confinement continues beyond the initial 24 hours.

We will not cover

We will not pay:

  1. for the first 24 continuous hours.
  2. if you are unable to provide written advice from a medical adviser from the cabin or cruise’s medical centre who certifies that you had to be confined.

CP5. Missed Port Cover

This cover only applies if you have purchased the Cruise Pack which is an option available for Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will pay $250 for each scheduled port your cruise never docks at during your journey which is due to weather conditions or natural disaster.

If you are entitled to compensation from the cruise provider, we will only pay the difference, up to the limit of your cover shown in the Benefits Table.

We will not cover

We will not pay if:

  1. you were not scheduled to disembark from your cruise;
  2. you cannot get a written statement from the cruise provider or relevant authority confirming the reason for the missed port; and/or
  3. you can make a claim on this benefit from anyone else or if you are entitled to compensation including on-board credit.

CP6. Formal Attire Cover

This cover only applies if you have purchased the Cruise Pack which is an option available for Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will pay the lesser of the repair cost or value of your formal attire which is stolen, accidentally damaged, or is permanently lost during your journey. 

You MUST report the theft as soon as possible after you become aware of the loss, to the police or an officer of the carrier (or other appropriate authority) on which you were travelling when the theft occurred. You must prove that you made such report by providing us with a written statement from whoever you reported it to.

We will not cover

We will not pay:

  1. for loss, theft, or damage to formal attire:
    • while they were left unattended in any place at any time, unless secured in your accommodation (excluding shared accommodation or room such as a hostel, Airbnb, or campgrounds), a safe or secure luggage locker.
    • while they were left unattended and visible in a motor vehicle unless they were left in a concealed storage compartment of a locked motor vehicle.
    • while they were left at, during or overnight in a motor vehicle even if they were left in a concealed storage compartment of a locked motor vehicle.
    • while left behind in any accommodation after you have checked out or after you have disembarked from your cruise.
    • while left behind in any form of public or private transport.
    • while they were being sent unaccompanied, under a freight contract or any luggage forwarding services.
  2. for loss or damage to formal attire arising from:
    • any process of cleaning, repair, or alteration.
    • ordinary wear and tear, deterioration, atmospheric or weather conditions, insects, rodents, or vermin.
  3. if you are entitled to be reimbursed by the carrier you were travelling on when the loss, theft, misplacement, or damage occurred. We will only pay the difference between the amount of your loss and what you were reimbursed, up to the limit of your cover (allowing for depreciation due to age, wear, and tear) if you are not reimbursed the full amount of your claim with the carrier.

CP7. Formal Attire Delay Allowance

This cover only applies if you have purchased the Cruise Pack which is an option available for Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will reimburse you if your checked-in formal attire are delayed, misdirected, or misplaced by a carrier for more than 12 hours from the time you boarded the cruise and in our reasonable opinion it was reasonable for you to purchase or hire alternative formal attire.

You must provide us with written confirmation from the carrier who was responsible for your formal attire that they were delayed, misdirected, or misplaced along with the receipts for the essential items you purchased.

We will deduct any amount we pay you under this section from any claim for lost formal attire under Section CP6: Formal Attire Cover.

We will not cover

We will not reimburse if:

  1. you are entitled to compensation by the carrier you were travelling on where the formal attire are delayed, misdirected, or misplaced. We will only pay the difference between the amount of your loss and what you were reimbursed, up to the limit of your cover if you are not reimbursed the full amount of your claim with the carrier.
  2. your checked-in formal attire are delayed, misdirected, or misplaced on the final return leg of your trip home.

WSP1. Emergency Rescue

This cover only applies if you have purchased the Winter Sports Pack which is an option available for Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will pay for our assistance service, to arrange medical transfer or evacuation if you suffer an injury while participating in winter sports activities and you need to be transported to the nearest hospital for emergency medical treatment.

We will not cover

We will not pay for:

  1. any claims arising from activities not defined as winter sports activities.
  2. any claims arising outside the period 15th December to 31st March in Northern Hemisphere resorts and 15th June to 30th September in Southern Hemisphere resorts. This exclusion will not apply to those resorts which are open outside these time periods and have sufficient snow for winter sports activities.
  3. any search and rescue.

WSP2. Snow Pack

This cover only applies if you have purchased the Winter Sports Pack which is an option available for Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

  1. We will reimburse you the irrecoverable cost of the unused portion of your lift passes, ski hire, ski passes, ski school, or tuition fees, if you are unable to utilise the full duration of pre-booked and pre-paid expenses because of sudden injury or illness during your journey. You must obtain a medical certificate from a medical adviser in support of your claim for your injury or illness.

Any amount we will pay will be calculated based on the unused days left on your lift passes, ski hire, ski passes, ski school, or tuition fees, its expiry date, and its original value.

We will not cover

We will not pay for:

  1. any claims arising from activities not defined as winter sports activities.
  2. any claims arising outside the period 15th December to 31st March in Northern Hemisphere resorts and 15th June to 30th September in Southern Hemisphere resorts. This exclusion will not apply to those resorts which are open outside these time periods and have sufficient snow for winter sports activities.

WSP3. Resort Closure

This cover only applies if you have purchased the Winter Sports Pack which is an option available for Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will pay if all lift systems are closed for more than 24 hours as a result of not enough snow, bad weather or power failure in your pre-booked holiday resort, up to $100 for the cost of either transport to the nearest resort or additional ski passes for each full 24-hour period beyond the initial 24 hours.

We will not cover

We will not pay for:

  1. the first 24 hours.
  2. any claims arising outside the period 15th December to 31st March in Northern Hemisphere resorts and 15th June to 30th September in Southern Hemisphere resorts. This exclusion will not apply to those resorts which are open outside these time periods and have sufficient snow for winter sports activities.

WSP4. Winter Sports Equipment Cover

This cover only applies if you have purchased the Winter Sports Pack which is an option available for Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

We will pay the repair cost or value of any winter sports equipment which are stolen, accidentally damaged, or are permanently lost during your journey. When calculating the amount payable we will apply depreciation due to age, wear, and tear. The amount of such depreciation will be determined by us. The depreciation rate table we use as a guide can be found on our website. The maximum amount we will pay will be the lesser of:

You MUST report the theft as soon as possible after you become aware of the loss, to the police or an officer of the carrier (or other appropriate authority) on which you were travelling when the theft occurred. You must prove that you made such report by providing us with a written statement from whoever you reported it to.

We will not cover

We will not pay:

  1. for loss, theft, or damage to winter sports equipment while in use.
  2. for loss, theft, or damage to winter sports equipment:
    • while they were left unattended in any place at any time, unless secured in your accommodation (excluding shared accommodation or room such as a hostel, Airbnb, or campgrounds), a safe or secure luggage locker.
    • while they were left unattended and visible in a motor vehicle unless they were left in a concealed storage compartment of a locked motor vehicle.
    • while they were left at, during or overnight in a motor vehicle even if they were left in a concealed storage compartment of a locked motor vehicle.
    • while left behind in any accommodation after you have checked out.
    • while left behind in any form of public or private transport.
    • while they were being sent unaccompanied, under a freight contract or any luggage forwarding services.
  3. for loss or damage to winter sports equipment arising from:
    • any process of cleaning, repair, or alteration.
    • ordinary wear and tear, deterioration, atmospheric or weather conditions, insects, rodents, or vermin.
  4. if you are entitled to be reimbursed by the carrier you were travelling on when the loss, theft, misplacement, or damage occurred. We will only pay the difference between the amount of your loss and what you were reimbursed, up to the limit of your cover (allowing for depreciation due to age, wear, and tear) if you are not reimbursed the full amount of your claim with the carrier.

WSP5. Winter Sports Equipment Hire

This cover only applies if you have purchased the Winter Sports Pack which is an option available for Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, Domestic Frequent Traveller, and Already Overseas plans.

We will cover

  1. We will reimburse you for the costs of hiring alternative winter sports equipment following:
    • stolen, accidentally damaged, or permanently lost winter sports equipment owned by you, for which a claim has been accepted by us under Section WSP4: Winter Sports Equipment Cover; or
    • if any winter sports equipment owned by you are delayed, misdirected, or misplaced by a carrier for more than 24 hours.

We will not cover

We will not reimburse if:

  1. you are entitled to compensation by the carrier you were travelling on where the winter sports equipment are delayed, misdirected, or misplaced. We will only pay the difference between the amount of your loss and what you were reimbursed, up to the limit of your cover if you are not reimbursed the full amount of your claim with the carrier.
  2. your checked-in winter sports equipment are delayed, misdirected, or misplaced on the final return leg of your trip home.

BP1. Bicycle Cover

This cover only applies if you have purchased the Bicycle Pack which is an option available for Comprehensive, Overseas Frequent Traveller, Domestic, and Domestic Frequent Traveller plans.

Cover for any loss, theft, or damage to a bicycle is subject to the following during travel or transport when you travel by:

Where a claim is for the theft of a bicycle, evidence of the broken securing device as well as a police report will be required.

We will cover

We will pay you if:

  1. your bicycle is stolen, accidentally damaged, or permanently lost during your journey (except as provided above or while in use). The maximum amount we will pay will be the lesser of: 
    • the value of the bicycle up to the item limit of $5,000 for any one bicycle and $15,000 for all Bicycle Pack claims combined; or 
    • the repair cost. 
  2. your bicycle is left in a motor vehicle:
    • during daylight hours; and
    • must have been left in a concealed storage compartment of a locked motor vehicle; and
    • forced entry must have been made.

You MUST report the theft as soon as possible after you become aware of the loss, to the police or an officer of the carrier (or other appropriate authority) on which you were travelling when the theft occurred. You must prove that you made such report by providing us with a written statement from whoever you reported it to.

We will not cover

We will not pay:

  1. if the bicycle is greater than 3 years old at the time the certificate of insurance was issued.
  2. if the bicycle is valued at less than $1,500.
  3. if the bicycle was not free of defects at the time the certificate of insurance was issued.
  4. for loss, theft, or damage to bicycle while in use.
  5. for loss, theft, or damage to bicycle:
    • while it was left unattended in any place, unless the bicycle frame and wheels were secured to a fixed object with a D-Lock or armour-plated cable (valued at $100 or more).
    • while they were left unattended and visible in a motor vehicle unless they were left in a concealed storage compartment of a locked motor vehicle.
    • while they were left at, during or overnight in a motor vehicle even if they were left in a concealed storage compartment of a locked motor vehicle.
    • while left behind in any accommodation after you have checked out.
    • while left behind in any form of public or private transport.
    • while they were being sent unaccompanied, under a freight contract or any luggage forwarding services.
  6. for loss or damage to bicycle arising from:
    • electrical or mechanical breakdown.
    • any process of cleaning, repair, or alteration.
    • ordinary wear and tear, deterioration, atmospheric or weather conditions, insects, rodents, or vermin.
  7. if you are entitled to be reimbursed by the carrier you were travelling on when the loss, theft, misplacement, or damage occurred. We will only pay the difference between the amount of your loss and what you were reimbursed, up to the limit of your cover if you are not reimbursed the full amount of your claim with the carrier.

General Exclusions

Exclusions that apply to all sections of the Policy

To the extent permitted by law, we will not pay under any circumstances if your claim arises from, is related to, or associated with:

1. Acting irresponsible

  1. Not acting in a responsible way to protect yourself and your property and to avoid making a claim.
  2. Not doing everything you can to reduce your loss as much as possible.

2. Consequential loss

Losses that are not directly associated with the incident that caused you to make a claim under the policy and your claim is for consequential loss of any kind including loss of enjoyment.

3. Known circumstances

  1. Being aware of something that would give rise to you making a claim under this policy at the time of purchasing the policy.
  2. Arranging to travel when you know of circumstances that may lead to your journey being cancelled or disrupted.
  3. Intended or planned surgery, treatment, investigation, or procedure, or for any yet to be diagnosed conditions.

4. Change of plans

You or your travelling companion changing plans.

5. Booking arrangements and travel documents

Errors, omissions in any booking arrangements, or failure to obtain the relevant visa, passport, or travel documents.

6. Intended or expected costs

Any cost which you would have been expected to pay, had the reason for the claim not occurred (e.g. cost of food which you ordinarily would have paid for).

7. Financial collapse

The financial collapse of any accommodation, tour, or transport provider, booking agent, or travel agency.

8. Motor vehicle, moped, scooter, or motorcycle

  1. You driving a motor vehicle without holding a current and valid driving licence in New Zealand.
  2. You riding a moped or scooter with an engine displacement of 125cc or less without holding a current and valid driving licence in New Zealand.
  3. You riding a motorcycle with an engine displacement greater than 125cc without holding a current and valid motorcycle licence in New Zealand, valid for the class of motorcycle being used.
  4. You traveling as a passenger in a motor vehicle or riding as a passenger on a motorcycle, moped, or scooter controlled by someone without a valid licence for that vehicle and country.
  5. You riding or being a passenger on a motorcycle, moped, or scooter without wearing a helmet.

9. Pre-existing medical condition(s) or pregnancy

  1. Any Pre-existing medical condition(s), except as specified under Pre-existing medical condition(s).
  2. Childbirth, pregnancy, or related complications, or if you are not yet pregnant, any assisted conception, fertility treatment, or medical intervention you have undergone or are undergoing except as provided under the Pregnancy Section.

10. Health of an uninsured person

Death or hospitalisation of any person who is not listed in your certificate of insurance and is aged 85 years or over, regardless of the country in which they may live.

11. Alcohol or drugs

  1. You being treated for any form of addiction including alcohol or drugs, or involves a hospital where you are being treated, using it as a convalescent, nursing, or rehabilitation place.
  2. You being affected by any intoxicating liquor or drug to the extent that your physical, or mental functions, or your judgement is impaired unless prescribed to you by a medical adviser and taken in accordance with their instructions.

12. Epidemic or pandemic

An actual or likely epidemic or pandemic or outbreak of a contagious disease or any derivative or mutation of such viruses, except for the cover which is in place for Coronavirus related claims (meaning COVID-19 or SARS-COV-2 or any mutation or variation of these). Refer to https://www.who.int/ and https://www.safetravel.govt.nz/ for further information on epidemics and pandemics.

13. Travel warnings

Travelling to, planning to travel to, or choosing to remain in a country, region, or part of a country for which:

  1. an advice or warning has been released by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (see https://www.safetravel.govt.nz/) or any other government or official body, or
  2. the advice or warning risk rating is ‘Do Not Travel’ or advises against specific transport arrangements or participation in specific events or activities, unless a Government exemption from the Department of Home Affairs has been granted; or
  3. a reasonable person in your position should be aware of the existence of circumstances (including, but not limited to circumstances referred to in this section (a) and (b) that may affect your travel; or
  4. you did not take appropriate action to avoid or minimize any potential claim under your policy (including any delay of travel to the country or part of the country referred to in the relevant advice(s) or warnings.

The circumstances to which this exclusion applies, include but are not limited to civil protest or unrest, contagious disease (including an Epidemic or Pandemic), riot, strike, or weather event.

14. Criminal acts, travel restrictions or requirements

  1. Costs or expenses incurred due to curfew, isolation orders, lockdown, or mandatory quarantine required, such as (but not limited to) border restrictions between countries, regions, or states.
  2. Costs or expenses incurred due to the government banning travel or imposing travel permit requirements before or during your journey.
  3. Acting illegally, breaking any government prohibition or regulation including visa requirements.
  4. A government authority confiscating, detaining, or destroying anything.

15. Travelling against medical advice

Travel booked or undertaken against the advice of any medical adviser.

16. Maintenance medication and routine treatment

Cost of medication in use, management, or routine treatment of your approved medical condition(s) which you were on prior to the journey (e.g., blood tests and prescription renewals).

17. Medical complications or elective surgery

  1. Consequence of complications from dental, medical, or surgical procedures or treatments that are not for an illness or injury that would otherwise be covered by this policy.
  2. Elective surgery or treatment including but not limited to cosmetic, body piercing, or tattooing.

18. Specific health and medical circumstances

  1. Sexually transmitted disease.
  2. Emotional, mental, or physical exhaustion, including but not limited to jet lag.
  3. Any illness or injury where a metastatic or terminal prognosis was made prior to the issue of the certificate of insurance.
  4. Attempted suicide or suicide.

19. Reciprocal health care agreement

Receiving private hospital or medical treatment where public funded services, or care is available in New Zealand or under any reciprocal health care agreement between the government of New Zealand and the government of any other country unless we or our assistance service agreed in advance to the private treatment.

20. Acts of war or violence

  1. Biological and/or chemical compounds, materials, substances, or the like used directly or indirectly for the purpose to harm or to destroy human life and/or create public fear.
  2. Nuclear reaction or contamination from nuclear weapons or radioactivity.
  3. Any act of war, whether war is declared or not, or any actions of a foreign enemy, civil war, hostilities, insurrection, invasion, rebellion, revolution or taking of power by the military.

21. Sanctions or health legislation

  1. Any prohibition, sanction, or other restrictions imposed by law or regulation on us or the insurer.
  2. Any loss which is recoverable by compensation under any government sponsored fund, plan, or medical benefit scheme, workers compensation or transport accident laws, or any other similar type of legislation required to be affected by, or under, a law.

22. Prohibited sports and activities

  1. You or your travelling companion participating in competition, professional sports, or racing of any kind.
  2. Any activities which involve being at an altitude limit above 3,500 metres except as provided under the automatically included sports and activities and Adventure & Sports Pack.  
  3. Hunting, mountaineering, quad biking, or dirt bikes.
  4. Travel in any air-supported device, other than as a passenger in a fully licensed aircraft operated by an airline or charter company. This exclusion does not apply to regulated or licensed ballooning.
  5. Any sports and activities, except as provided under the automatically included sports and activities, Adventure & Sports Pack, and Winter Sports Pack.

23. Optional sports and activities

Any sports or recreational activities not listed in the automatically included sports and activities list, except when you have selected the Adventure & Sports Pack, paid the additional premium for adventure cover and have it shown on your certificate of insurance in order to be covered for all the benefits of the relevant plan.

24. Cruising

A cruise unless you purchased the Cruise Pack. You must have selected the Cruise Pack, paid the additional premium for cruise cover, and have it shown on your certificate of insurance in order to be covered for all the benefits of the relevant plan.

25. Winter sports

Winter sports activities unless you purchased the Winter Sports Pack. You must have selected the Winter Sports Pack, paid the additional premium for winter sports cover, and have it shown on your certificate of insurance in order to be covered for all the benefits of the relevant plan.

General Conditions

The following conditions apply to all sections.

Other Insurance

If any loss, damage, or liability covered under this policy is covered by other insurance, you must give us details. If you are paid the full amount of your claim under one policy, you cannot make a claim under another policy.

If you are not paid the full amount of your claim under another policy, we will make up the difference provided your claim is covered by the policy. We may seek contribution from the other Insurer. If we do, you must give us any information or assistance we reasonably need to do so.

Subrogation and assistance with recovery

If you are aware of any third party that may be liable for your loss or damage, you must tell us about them.

We are entitled to and may (at our discretion), seek to recover compensation or secure indemnity from any party in respect of anything covered by this policy. You are to assist and permit to be done, all acts and things as required by us for the purpose of recovering compensation or securing indemnity from other parties to which we may become entitled or subrogated upon us paying your claim under this policy, regardless of whether we have yet paid your claim, and whether or not the amount we pay you is less than full compensation for your loss. These rights exist regardless of whether your claim is paid under a non- indemnity or an indemnity clause of this policy.

We will apply any money we recover from someone else under a right of subrogation in the following order:

If we have paid your total loss and you receive a payment from someone else for that loss or damage, you must pay us the amount of that payment up to the amount of the claim we paid you.

If we pay you for lost or damaged property and you later recover the property or it is replaced by a third party, you must pay us the amount of the claim we paid you.

Business travellers - GST

If you are entitled to claim an input tax credit in respect of your premium, you must inform us of the amount of that input tax credit (as a percentage) at the time you first make a claim. If you fail to do so, you may incur liability for GST when we pay your claim.

If you are entitled to claim an input tax credit in respect of a cost for which a claim is made, or would be entitled to an input tax credit if you were to incur the relevant cost (i.e. replacing a lost or stolen item), the amount we would otherwise pay will be reduced by the amount of that input tax credit.

Jurisdiction and choice of law

This policy is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New Zealand. If you purchase the policy, you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of New Zealand. You agree that it is your intention that this Jurisdiction and Choice of Law clause applies.

Fraudulent claims and misleading conduct

If you make or try to make a claim that is not true, correct, did not occur, is misleading or exaggerated or uses any fraudulent means, we will not pay your claim.

Your cover under this policy will be voided (without any return of the amount you have paid). We may report you to the appropriate authorities and you may be prosecuted.

Insurance fraud places additional costs on honest policyholders. Fraudulent claims force insurance premiums to rise and we encourage the community to assist in the prevention of insurance fraud. Please contact us via email [email protected] should you wish to report suspicion of fraud.

All information will be treated with full confidentiality and protected in line with our privacy policy and to the full extent of the law.

Making a claim

This part of the Policy Wording explains what you need to do if you need to make a claim.

If an event occurs which you think might be covered by the policy, you may need to take some action right away.

If you are overseas and need emergency assistance, contact us immediately. Our helpful assistance service will be there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist you. Emergency contact details can be found on our website and on the Emergency Assistance page.

Supporting documents

You must give us any information we reasonably ask to support your claim at your expense, such as but not limited to:

You will need to show evidence of all expenses that you are claiming. If required, we may ask you to provide us with translations into English of any such documents to enable us to consider your claim.

You may also be required to take part in an investigative interview to help substantiate a legitimate claim.

If you do not provide evidence of your claim or do not cooperate during the claims process, we may not be able to process your claim or pay you.

How to make a claim

Step 1: Submit your claim

You must give us notice of your claim as soon as possible by completing the claim form available here or by notifying us by email at [email protected]

When submitting your claim, make sure you provide us with the full information and any supporting documents.

If you delay submitting your claim or provide us with insufficient information and we are disadvantaged as a result, we may reduce the amount we pay in settlement of your claim.

Step 2: Claim assessment

If you need to make a claim, we will assess your claim within 10 business days of receiving it, provided we have all the necessary information and documentation. If we need additional information, we will let you know within 10 business days and provide an initial estimate of the timeframe and process for making a decision.

Once our assessment is complete, we will decide whether to accept or deny your claim. If it is denied, we will let you know in writing and give you our reasons.

Step 3: Claim payment

If your claim is accepted, we will pay the amount due to you in New Zealand dollars. We will pay this to you unless you ask us to pay someone else. Payment will be made by direct credit to a New Zealand bank account nominated by you.


Financial Services Guide

This Financial Services Guide (FSG) describes the financial services provided by 1Cover NZ and is designed to assist you in deciding whether to use these services. It contains information about the types of financial services 1Cover NZ can offer you, how 1Cover NZ and others are remunerated in relation to those services, any potential conflict of interest 1Cover NZ may have, 1Cover NZ’s internal and external dispute resolution procedures and how you can access them, arrangements 1Cover NZ has in place to compensate clients for losses, and how we manage complaints.

About your Insurer

Your policy is underwritten by HDI Global Specialty SE - New Zealand (the Insurer).

The Insurer has appointed Coffre-Fort Pty Ltd ABN 66 125 358 518, AFS License No. 472457 (in Australia) to issue, vary, renew, or cancel policies and to handle and settle claims on the Insurer’s behalf. 1Cover NZ Limited, Company No 158 8084, FSP Licence No. 472306 is an Appointed Representative of Coffre-Fort Pty Ltd to deal in general insurance products.

1Cover NZ is responsible for the financial services provided to you and is also responsible for the content and distribution of the FSG.

1Cover NZ acts as an agent of the Insurer and not as your agent.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Coffre-Fort has professional indemnity insurance covering errors and mistakes made in relation to our insurance services. This insurance covers the services provided by Coffre-Fort, it’s Appointed Representatives, current employees and representatives after they cease working for us provided claims are made when they arise and during the relevant policy period.

The Fair Insurance Code

1Cover NZ and the insurer comply with The Fair Insurance Code (Code). The Code sets minimum standards that we will uphold in relation to this insurance and the services we provide. Further information about the Code is available at https://www.icnz.org.nz/individuals/about-the-code/ and on request.


We treat complaints seriously.

If you have a concern about this policy or the insurance services we provide, please let us know.

Step 1: Let us know

We want to resolve any complaint or dispute for you as quickly as possible. The best place to start is to contact our Customer Disputes and Resolution Team.

You can lodge a complaint with them online here.

We will acknowledge your complaint as soon as practical via written correspondence and we will endeavour to resolve your complaint within 10 business days. If more time is needed to collect necessary information or finalise our review, we will provide you with regular updates where applicable.

If you are unable to lodge a complaint online or would like to speak to a complaints officer over the phone, you can contact us on +64 9 887 9428 and we will arrange for someone to return your call as soon as possible.

Step 2: Escalation to our Insurer

If we are unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction within 10 business days, you may contact our insurer, HDI Global Specialty SE - New Zealand.

Email: [email protected]

Mail to principal place of business:

HDI Global Specialty SE

Level 19, 20 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000

Step 3: External independent review

If your complaint remains unresolved after this process or you have not received a written response within 60 calendar days of submitting your complaint, you can refer the matter to the Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman (IFSO).

You can contact IFSO online at https://www.ifso.nz/ or

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 0800 888 202

Mail to principal place of business:

Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman

PO BOX 10-845 Wellington, 6145, New Zealand


1Cover NZ and the Insurer are committed to ensuring the privacy and the security of your personal information. We use the information you provide to assess the risk of, provide you with insurance cover, and assess and manage claims.

We may also use your contact details to send you information and offers about products and services we believe will be of interest to you. If you don't provide us with full information, we may not be able to provide insurance or assess a claim.

If you provide us with information about someone else, you must obtain their consent to do so.

When issuing and administering your insurance, 1Cover NZ will provide your information to the Insurer. This may include your medical information if you have made a medical-related claim. Your information may also be provided to contracted third party service providers (e.g. emergency assistance and claims management companies), but reasonable steps will be taken to ensure that they comply with privacy legislation.

1Cover NZ has a privacy policy containing information about how you can access or correct the information we hold about you or make a privacy related complaint. You can access our privacy policy online here.

In providing your personal information, you consent to its collection and use as outlined above.

Insurer’s Privacy Policy

To arrange and manage your insurance and provide you with our services, We (in this Privacy Notice “We”, “Our” and “Us” means HDI Global Specialty New Zealand, Level 19, 20 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia, and our agents) collect, store, use and disclose your personal information including sensitive information. We usually collect it directly from you but also from others (including those authorised by you such as your family members, travelling companions, your doctors, hospitals, and other persons whom We consider necessary including our agents).

We are the “data controller” and are responsible for ensuring your personal information is used and protected in accordance with applicable New Zealand laws and regulations. Personal information We collect includes, for example, your name, address, date of birth, phone number, email address, medical information, passport details, bank account details, as well as other information We collect when you visit our website such as your IP address and online preferences. Any personal information provided to us is used by us and our agents to evaluate and arrange your insurance. We also use it to administer and provide the insurance services and manage your and our rights and obligations in relation to the insurance services, including managing, processing, investigating claims and screening to comply with economic sanctions obligations. We may also collect, use, and disclose it for product development, marketing (where permitted by law or with your consent), customer data analytics, research, IT systems maintenance and development, recovery against third parties, fraud investigations and for other purposes with your consent or where authorised by law. We do not use sensitive information for marketing purposes or provide that information to any third parties for marketing.

You authorise Us to disclose your personal information to recipients including third parties (some of whom are data processors) in New Zealand and overseas involved in the above processes, such as travel consultants, travel insurance providers and intermediaries, agents, distributors, reinsurers, claims handlers and investigators, cost containment providers, medical and health service providers, overseas data storage (including “cloud storage”) and data handling providers, transportation providers, legal and other professional advisers, your agents, broker and travelling companions, your travel group leader if you travel in a group, your employer if you have a corporate travel policy, your bank if you have bank credit card insurance, the Insurance Claims Register and our related and group companies.

In addition, you authorise us to disclose your personal information to 1Cover NZ to use in accordance with its privacy policy available here.

Some of these third parties may be located in other countries including in Australia, Europe, Asia, Canada, or the USA. We will use reasonable endeavours to ensure people We disclose your personal information to outside New Zealand are required to protect it in a way that provides comparable safeguards to those set out under New Zealand privacy law, such as via contractual data protection obligations, our group binding corporate rules or because they are subject to laws of another country with comparable protections. However, you acknowledge that sometimes overseas recipients of your personal information may not be required to protect it in a way that provides comparable safeguards to those provided under the New Zealand privacy law.

The collection of information is required pursuant to the common law duty to disclose all material facts relevant to the insurance sought by you and is mandatory. If you do not agree with the matters set out in our privacy notice or will not provide us with personal information, We may not be able to provide you with our services or products, process your application, issue you with a policy or process your claims. We will not retain your personal data for longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it may be lawfully used.

You can:

  1. seek access to your personal data and ask about its origin, the purposes of the processing, and details of the data controller or data processor and the parties to whom it may be disclosed;
  2. correct and update your personal information (subject to the provisions of applicable privacy legislation); and
  3. ask for a copy of your personal data in an electronic format for yourself or for someone you nominate.

You may in some circumstances restrict the processing of your personal data, and request that it be deleted. Where your personal information is used or processed with your specific consent as the sole basis for processing (rather than on a contractual basis or legitimate interest), you may withdraw your consent at any time. In cases where We cannot comply with your request concerning your personal information, We will give you reasons why. You may not access or correct personal information of others unless you have been authorised by their express consent or are otherwise permitted by law. When you provide personal information to us about other individuals, We rely on you to have first obtained each of those individuals’ consent, and have made them aware of the matters set out in this Privacy Notice.

If you have a request or complaint concerning your personal information or about our privacy policy, please contact: Privacy Officer, HDI Global Specialty SE – New Zealand Level 19, 20 Martin Place Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia or email us at [email protected]

You can also contact the Privacy Commissioner at the Office of the Privacy Commissioner, P.O. Box 10-094, The Terrace, Wellington 6143 if you have a complaint. For more information about our corporate privacy policy and handling of personal information, including further details about access, correction, and complaints, please visit our website at https://www.hdi.global/en-nz/legal/privacy/ and click on the Privacy Policy link.

Effective date: 19 December 2024