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travel Insurance & Repatriation:
Flying you home

Repatriation is the process of returning a person home after a medical emergency or, at worst case, death. It's something we hope you never need.  

The word ‘repatriation’ has a few different meanings but in the case of travel insurance, repatriation costs are the not the cost of medical treatment, but the cost of medical transportation back to New Zealand.

All 1Cover policies include coverage for repatriation/emergency medical evacuation (if you’re approved for this course of action).

If you’re sick or injured, we advise that you or a member of your travelling party call our Emergency Assistance Team as soon as possible.

Our medical team will liaise with the treating hospital, assess your case, and arrange repatriation/medical evacuation if it’s deemed necessary. Additionally, we may cover the costs for a family member or someone else to assist your repatriation.


 Costs of repatriation

The costs for repatriation can be very high and can run in to the hundreds of thousands. The reason it costs so much is that generally you won't come home via standard flights. You might need medical emergency aircraft or need a nurse, doctor or other medical support on your flight home.

There are also costs involved with any medical equipment you might need on the flight such as monitors, intravenous equipment or breathing assistance.

Below is a table with a rough indicator of how much an air ambulance back to New Zealand or Australia might cost. Please note these costs are indicative only. The individual costs for every case will vary. 

Country of Incident Repatriation by Air Ambulance*




$55,000 - $150,00
















What's Covered?

We hope this never happens to you, but if you’re overseas and facing a medical emergency, you will need to call our emergency assistance team. They will evacuate you to the nearest medical facility or repatriate you back to New Zealand with medical supervision (if necessary).

In the worst-case scenario, we’ll pay up to $25,000 per person for a funeral or cremation overseas, or we’ll pay to return your remains back to New Zealand.

Our team can also arrange for your children to return to New Zealand if they are left without supervision following your hospitalisation or evacuation, and we can also arrange for an emergency companion to come and accompany you home. Both these benefits are only available under select policies, and they’re only available if necessary.

What isn't covered? 

If you don’t tell us about pre-existing medical conditions, and something happens to you that’s related to that condition, it might reduce or invalidate your insurance claim. That’s why it’s important that you disclose your pre-existing conditions at the time of booking your insurance.

We also can’t cover you for:
  • Any hospital or medical costs incurred in New Zealand.
  • Any medical, hospital or evacuation expenses if you decline to promptly follow the advice from our emergency assistance team.
  • Costs for search and rescue.
  • Medical evacuation or the transportation of your remains from New Zealand to an overseas country.
  • Repatriation requests due to winter sports or on a cruise. To be covered for these two situations, you have to purchase a winter sports pack or cruise pack.

*The above is a summary.
Please refer to the Policy Wording for all the details on the coverage and terms of this benefit.

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What to do in an emergency?

It’s important that you follow these steps so that we can properly assist you if you are sick or injured overseas. 

  • Get yourself to nearest medical facility, and have your passport with you.
  • You, someone you’re travelling with, or a family member should contact our emergency assistance team as soon as possible. They’ll assess your case and let you know what to do.
  • Follow all the instructions from our emergency assistance team. If you are covered, they will liaise with the medical facility and will arrange medical evacuation/repatriation if it’s necessary.
  • If you do not contact our team or follow their guidance, we’re not able to pay any expenses that could have been avoided with their advice.
  • Follow your medical plan and keep our emergency assistance team informed.

Repatriation Related FAQs

  • Can someone in my family come and get me?
  • We can arrange for an emergency companion to come and accompany you home if it is deemed medically necessary. This is decided by our emergency assistance team and the outcome is on a case by case basis.

  • What happens I’m on life support overseas?/what if i die overseas?
  • Your next-of-kin should contact our emergency assistance team and they will advise on next steps. In the unfortunate event that you pass away, we’ll pay up to $25,000 per person for a funeral or cremation overseas, or we’ll pay to return your remains back to New Zealand.

  • Who decides whether repatriation is necessary?
  • Our emergency assistance team will work with the treating hospital to decide it’s necessary and safe to repatriate you back to New Zealand.

  • What if i need repatriation while skiing?
  • Provided you have purchased the Winter Sports Pack you may have a provision to claim for repatriation/medical evacuation, if our emergency assistance team decides it’s the most appropriate course of action.

  • What if i need repatriation on a cruise?
  • Provided you have purchased the Cruise Pack you would have a provision to claim for repatriation/medical evacuation, if our emergency assistance team decides it’s the most appropriate course of action.

  • How much does repatriation cost?
  • The cost of repatriation will vary widely depending on where you are and what happened to you. It could cost up to $350,000, but have a look at this table to see approximate costs for different countries.



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