Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Simply go the Members Area and follow these steps;
Our Members Area allows you to view your policy documents, view saved quotes, extend your policy and change your details.
Click here to view current and previous policies.
You can apply to extend an existing policy.
Update your details.
To extend a policy please follow these steps;
When you purchase a 1Cover policy, we use your email address to send out your policy documents, and to send you special offers and discount too. If your email address changes please update this in the 'My Details' section of the Member's Area.
You can also update your postal address information in this section which is helpful if you need policy documents mailed out to you.
Comprehensive policies can be extended for up to 12 months after the initially specified return date.
If you purchased your policy after 22 November 2015, you would be able to extend your policy online by logging into your member’s area as long as you do it before your policy expires. Policies purchased before this date need to be extended by contacting the call centre via phone or email at least 7 days before the policy is due to lapse.
You need to extend your policy before it expires.
The additional amount you will be charged will be determined by the amount of time you extend your policy for and if you are adding any new destinations.
You can extend your policy free of charge if your return to Australia is delayed because a bus line, airline, shipping line or rail authority you are travelling on, or that has accepted your fare or luggage and personal effects, is delayed; or if an event has occurred that we have confirmed is claimable under the policy.
If you need to make a claim it's a simple process.
Coverage in case someone sues you for bodily injuries or damages.
We provide cover to rrotect you from credit card fraud.
Overseas Emergency Medical Expenses
We'll reimburse reasonable medical or hospital expenses.