Travel Alert for Cyclone Alfred - Learn more

What Activities are excluded?

The following activities are general exclusions:

  • Hunting
  • Racing (other than on foot)
  • Open water sailing beyond 15 nautical miles off any land mass.
  • Quad biking and dirt bikes
  • Mountaineering
  • Rock climbing using ropes or climbing equipment.
  • Professional or competitive sports
  • Any activity above 3,500 metres altitude except as provided under the automatically included sports and activities and Adventure & Sports Pack.   
  • Travel in any air-supported device, other than as a passenger in a fully licensed aircraft operated by an airline or charter company. This exclusion does not apply to regulated or licensed ballooning. 
  • Underwater diving without your open water licence or not being under licensed instruction.
  • Any sports and activities, except as provided under the automatically included sports and activities, Adventure & Sports Pack, and Winter Sports Pack.  

You can view a list of all the activities which can be covered under your 1Cover policy here. 


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All FAQ answers are based on the current effective Policy Wording. If your policy is older than the current Policy Wording, please contact us or refer to your particular policy.

Any information contained on this website is general advice only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider these having regard to the Policy Wording.