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Does Rental Vehicle Excess Pay for the Full Repair Costs of My Rental Vehicle? 

If your rental car is damaged or stolen while it’s in your custody, then your car rental company will charge you a fee called car rental excess. The car rental excess could be the equivalent of the full repair costs, it could be more, or it might be less because of there is generally a cap on car rental excess (but this cap could be thousands of dollars). 1Cover policies may cover you for car rental excess, if you purchase the Rental Vehicle Excess Pack. 

Note that car rental excess cover is not a replacement for car insurance that you’ll get with the rental company. Always make sure that you have car insurance with the rental company. Your rental company may also offer you car rental excess cover, but the daily rate could be more expensive than the car rental excess cover you get from your 1Cover policy.  

Visit our Make a Claim page for more info.

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Any information contained on this website is general advice only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider these having regard to the Policy Wording.