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What cover do I need for a domestic cruise?

Once your ship leaves port, even if you're cruising New Zealand waters, you’re no longer covered for hospital or medical expenses by Publicly Funded Healthcare or your private health care provider, meaning they won't cover any expenses incurred on-board the ship. You’re also not covered by Public Healthcare and private health when you’re on land for cruise excursions.

However, you can purchase a Cruise Pack to cover you when you’re on a cruise. If you’re taking a cruise within New Zealand waters, you will need to select a domestic policy with the Cruise Pack add-on and select "New Zealand Cruise" as the destination/region. You can find out more about choosing your cruise region here.

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All FAQ answers are based on the current effective Policy Wording. If your policy is older than the current Policy Wording, please contact us or refer to your particular policy.

Any information contained on this website is general advice only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider these having regard to the Policy Wording.