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How to make your cruise a nightmare


cruise ship


Forewarned is forearmed. Discover the things that can make your relaxing cruise on the high seas go belly-up...

1 You Ignore the fine print

You need to read everything. It may be dry. It may be dense. But make no mistake – not looking at the fine print makes for a very expensive holiday (see point 3 above - Ouch!). Take our word for it. We’re insurers. We know a thing or two about the importance of fine print.

2 You Miss the boat ... literally!

Not the best start, but if you take sensible precautions, your holiday won’t be over before it’s even started. With the right travel insurance, you can catch up with the ship at the next port, without paying a hefty fee. Check out the options in our Cruise Travel Insurance to see which insurance fits you best.

cruise ship

3 You Arrive too early

Waiting on the port for hours isn’t the ideal start to a holiday either. So don’t get too keen. There’s no need to get there crazy early. Be organised. Be punctual. But be reasonable. Cruise ships are regimented beasts, and being super early won’t help you.

4 You don't think about your carry on bag

Oh dear! You’ll most likely be without your main luggage for several hours after you board the ship, and that’s why your carry-on is vital. It should contain important documents, a spare set of clothes for dinner, a swimsuit (and sunscreen, of course), and any medication you need.

5 You overpack

Instead of a seafaring oasis, your cabin looks like a hoarder’s retreat. We can’t help you after you get on board. So before you set sail, make sure you check out Cruise Critic's Ultimate Guide To Packing For A Cruise

6 You get sick

hospital bed

Despite our best efforts, we can all fall prey to sickness while at sea. With a group of people brought together into relatively close quarters, it’s not surprising that cruises can be a hotbed for some nasty lurgies. A particularly insidious virus in the cruise world is norovirus. Norovirus is highly contagious and is notorious for sending travellers to the hospital bed with symptoms of vomiting, gastro and diarrhea. It’s also not killed by many common disinfectants.

Aside from nasty lurgies, there can also be issues associated with storing fresh food for prolonged periods, and cases of sunstroke for those having too much fun in the sun. And, of course, there’s seasickness.

Fortunately, while you may not be able to guarantee good health come cruise time, you can certainly ensure you’re not out of pocket as a result of sickness. Our Cruise Travel Insurance covers you for cabin confinement and unlimited medical and emergency assistance while on your cruise.

7 You don't put your phone in flight mode

If you leave your phone on, you could be whacked with one hefty phone bill when you get back home. If you can get reception at sea, any calls, messages and data usage will be relayed via satellite rather than a mobile network, which can cost a pretty penny. If you simply cannot do without your phone, you can check with your provider to see if they have any cruise options and make sure your destinations are on the roaming list. It’s also worth checking out the options your cruise liner offers in regards to mobile phone data.

8 You End up in cruise jail

cruise jail

Most people look forward to a few cruise brews, but be careful not to overdo it. A bender could see you in jail and very much out of pocket. Not only will an insurer deny claims if the claimant was drunk at the time of injury, those pretty cocktails cost a pretty penny. And yes, cruise jail is a real thing!


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