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contact Sports travel Insurance


Planning to partake in some contact sports? Here’s some fast facts before you go:

  • Team sports with expensive equipment include: hockey, lacrosse, soccer, skiing, golf, baseball, field hockey.
  • Although death from a sports injury is rare, the leading cause of death from a sports-related injury is a brain injury.
  • The most common sports injuries include: ankle sprain, groin pull, hamstring strain, shin splints and ACL tears.
  • Recent statistics show that nearly half of all sports injuries were fractures.
  • Ice hockey and rugby routinely make the top ten lists for most dangerous sports. 


Keep reading to find out what travel insurance can help you with if you’re planning to play contact sports this holiday. 

What do we cover if you're playing Contact sports?

If you end up on the losing side, we may be able to help: 

  • With the purchase of an Adventure & Sports Pack, we cover contact sports - including but not limited to any form of rugby, American Football and Australian Rules Football on all comprehensive overseas and domestic travel insurance policies. See the PDS for details
  • For most policies (except Domestic policies), we provide medical and hospital assistance, and medical evacuation (if it's deemed neccessary)
  • Depending on your policy, you could also be covered for pre-paid activities that you miss out on because you're unable to travel. 

what don't We Cover If you're playing team sport?

You won’t be covered for anything arising from team sport if: 

  • You’re under the influence of any intoxicating liquor or drugs (except a prescribed drug)
  • You’re part of a competition or playing professionally (where there is a prize involved)
  • You don’t follow instructions and/or wear the appropriate safety equipment
  • You have a pre-existing medical condition that affects your playing and you never told us about it

Stay safe: Team Sports Top tips 

  • Wear protective gear

    Some sports require more protective gear than others, but don’t fall in to the trap of ignoring protective gear when you’re playing sports recreationally. It’s there for a reason. 

  • Warm Up

    It’s been a staple since you were in school and the reason is simple - it’s all about avoiding injury. Stretch all your major muscle groups and lightly jog or run to get your body heated up. 

  • understand the rules 

    Even when you’re overseas and on holiday, it doesnt mean the rules don’t apply! Playing sport is fun, but if you don’t know the rules, it can up the chances of things going wrong. 

  • Don't play when injured or unwell

    This is especially important if you have a pre-existing medical condition that prevents you from taking part in team sport. If you’re going to undertake a sports activity overseas, you’ll generally only be covered by travel insurance if you didn’t have any pre-existing conditions that might have made that activity more risky. 

contact sports FAQs

  • Will I be covered if I miss My contact sport event?
  • There is a provision to claim for Cancellation Fees and Lost Deposits of unused travel arrangements if you have to cancel your trip or your trip is shortened due to claimable events such as injury/illness, and the fees cannot be recouped from the provider. 

  • My doctor has advised I don’t play any sport on my holiday. Will i still be covered?
  • We would not be able to provide medical cover for you if you are going against medical advice. 

  • Is my sports equipment covered?
  • Under the standard Luggage and Personal effects benefit we provide cover for sporting equipment that you own, but not while the equipment is in use. 

  • What if I need medical assistance after I’ve been playing sport?
  • In an emergency, get yourself to hospital. As soon as it's possible, we advise that you or a member of your travelling party to call our medical assistance team who will be able to liaise with you or the hospital.   

  • How much am I covered for if something happens to me while playing sport?
  • Provided you are within the parameters stated in the PDS, and you don’t have a Frequent Traveller Domestic or Domestic Policy, then the medical benefit we offer is unlimited. Please note: we do not cover for Search and Rescue. 




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Activities We cover

Find out all information you need about what’s covered and what’s not before you go adventuring. 

your next big snow adventure

For peace of mind when you're hitting the slopes at home or abroad, check out our ski and winter sports travel insurance.

Medical Questions

Have a pre-existing medical condition that might affect your trip? Pregnant? Or want to know about repatriation? Find out everything you need to know here.